
Discussion in 'General' started by Bwomp, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. What's your view on it?

    I personally love it. Been married for a while now and I love her more everyday. It's nice always having someone in my corner all the time.
    It helps she blazes too. Lol
  2. well your just lucky other people have to quit blazing when they get married like for there kids.
  3. I don't know man - if it worked..... I would....

    if not........ we can just say were married :D
  4. Yeah. I do consider myself extremely lucky. Best $63 I've ever spent ( judge and license payment ).

    13 years younger than I am too. ;)
  5. Tell the truth....She's standing behind you as you typed that, RIGHT ????
  6. lol damn may we ask how old you are
  7. Lol. Nope. She's at work right now.

    I'm 41.
  8. I see no point in getting married if u arent rrligious. Its a dumb tradition imo. Plus u have to wear a ring, i hate wearing rings.
  9. I want to get married Or I'd be lonely as hell to be honest.
  10. I don't know how I feel about wedlock anymore. All the old folks tell me not to get married. lol.
  11. [quote name='"livelaughlearn"']I see no point in getting married if u arent rrligious. Its a dumb tradition imo. Plus u have to wear a ring, i hate wearing rings.[/quote]

    My parents are not religious but married. They did it in a court. There are many legal benefits in marriage especially if you have kids.
  12. [quote name='"lenny88"']

    My parents are not religious but married. They did it in a court. There are many legal benefits in marriage especially if you have kids.[/quote]

    Yea the only reason id get married is prob for legal benefits.
  13. What works for one may not work for another.
    One thing I've learned is I NEVER take advise from someone that has never been married or has been married multiple times.
  14. Been married 3 1/2 years. Best decision of my life, hands down.
  15. now a days there is no value for marriage.they are losing its sheen
  16. [quote name='"prabap61"']now a days there is no value for marriage.they are losing its sheen[/quote]

    Depends on who you ask. Value could be any amount of things.
  17. [quote name='"walterbishop"']Been married 3 1/2 years. Best decision of my life, hands down.[/quote]

    Congratz!! Hope you have many many more!
  18. Thanks! Same to you!

    I'm not one of those people who thought they would ever be married either. I was happily single and living an awesome life before I met my wife. As was she. Sometimes I think that's the key. When you can be with someone because you 100% choose to be with them, not because you need them financially or are tied in some other way (i.e. child). Things just seem to work better.

    p.s. not saying kids are bad. I think they are great and hope to have a few some day. But I've had too many friends that had kids with some one before they were married, then tried to give marriage a go for the kids. Never seems to work right. Not saying it can't just that it seems to add more pressure.
  19. I agree walterbishop. I was happy being single too and we met purely by coincidence. Neither of us were looking for a relationship nor did we really want one. Everything just fell into place. Both of us have a very strong sense of family and have very strong family ties. I think if you are looking for the right one you'll never find them because you are looking. People might be too anxious and accept something they otherwise might not. We just threw caution to the wind and have always been upfront and honest about everything. Basically... No secrets and an open line of communication. We may get mad at one another every now and again but once it's been resolved it's over. And make up sex is out of this world!

    We want kids... Lol... And we're constantly trying....everyday. It'll happen and we're not worried about it. Nothing better than going to bed and her rolling over saying she just wants to "usurp my seed". I'll pack a bowl, lay on my back, smoke said bowl, she does her thing, I deposit, go piss, back to bed and sleep.

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