Marketing of Todays Technology?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by MrToke, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Pertaining to our capabilities when it comes to the consumer market of technology, in the computer sense. I've heard the saying that current technology keeps doubling every year, regardless, increasing by any sort of constant number. That must mean companies have found a pattern, and patterns allow for repeated use and a step ahead. Much like a tree and its complex iterated function, only it knows how its going to grow. If this is so, shouldn't companies have the ability to yield massive storage units much greater than seen today at the palm of their fingertips? Seems a matter of product control to have them lined up to be produced for many years to come. High idea, could it be a perfect marketing scheme, or are we actually advancing as new things approach the market? Surely not. Also, not planning to conspire, just baked.

  2. There is so much technology out there it is ridiculous. Yes, there are "laws", such as Moore's Law, which show the linear growth of computing power every two years. However, in a "non perfect system", the general populace has to realize that we exist on a technological plane much lower than the world's elite. I'm sure that you have heard the saying, "The military is 20 years ahead of the people." This is true to an extent, but it goes much further. The people who run these projects have an essentially unlimited budget, so it would be childish to think that since they hit the "20 years advanced mark" that they would stop to let the rest of the public catch up. For example, there are military and other black government projects that use technology so advanced that you could be put in prison or killed just for knowing about it. Personally, I call that slavery, but the rest of the world calls it "freedom". People may ask, "If we have such revolutionary technology, why can't we end the world's problems?" The true answer to that is: we can solve all of our problems, we just choose not to.
  3. But in terms of marketing, yes and no. Some things are "regularly scheduled" to come out years if not decades in advance and give that "perfect marketing scheme" you were talking about, and others are flukes that fell through the cracks.

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