Marijuna Propaganda(if you smoke read this)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by jack herra, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Most negative things you read in the mainstream meida about cannibis is false at least most of it,like the brain cells theory,most things they tell you in school an in books was mostly based on one major study in the 70s were they had close to a 100 monkeys an every day they would put gas masks on them an give them about 60 to 70 joints worth of smoke every of course when you cant breath your brain cells are gonna die from not receiveing oxegen.this study was called the rhesus monkey study of Dr. Robert Heath,now there have been mutiple studys but this one has been used the most in what they teach an what you read in the media,why?i dont know maybe beause they wanted a reason to the harsh laws an retrictions on pot.but anyways thats were the whole brain cells theory came from an its a complete its fact that you kill brains cells when being deprived of does any one here smoke 70 joints a day?
  2. I do, because I'm a man.
  3. yeah, i've heard of this before. seems like just the kinda bullshit the us government would stand behind.

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