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Marijuana's effect on tonsils?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by mjgmc, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. So after a pretty severe round of tonsillitis, and a few mild ones before, my doctor recommended i get my tonsils out. So i did last month. When he took them out, he told me that they were some of the gnarliest, bumpiest, biggest ones he'd seen. I've only been smoking for a year, and had only had tonsillitis once or twice before that. Now i smoke somewhat frequently (almost every day). could this have been the reason for my particularly nasty tonsils?
  2. Passing around anything in a circle is a germ factory. ;)
    What else ya been puttin' in yer mouf? :p:cool:
  3. i gotta say I have had my dentist comment a couple times on how large and irritated my tonsils looked. I'm forced to attribute this and the irritation/inflammation to the general heat and irritation of smoking in general. no idea as far as tonsilitis or any sort of link there unfortunately...but mine do bother me alot.
  4. Bringing up a dead thread but my dentist commented on my tonsils day as well. Asked if I was sick. Maybe it was the weed? I smoke maybe twice a week though. 2 grams/week at this point

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