Marijuana withdrawal is so real

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Hullabaloo42, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. I smoke daily and when I stop for a break I get sick to my stomach, nauseous, and the sweats. Usually lasts two or three days then I'm good. I don't care what these guys say about no withdrawals from weed, maybe they don't get them. I do. Been smoking for 20 years, and it only happens when I smoke multiple times a day for a long stretch. If I smoke less, maybe few times a week and stop, nothing. I'm good to go. Not to mention I've gone through withdrawals from something else toomany times to count so I know what they feel like in general.

    I think some people are more prone to the symptoms of withdrawals than others. I'm one of the lucky ones that feels that shit from everything! It sucks but once you're through it, damn, smooth sailing. Wait a while then do it again, haha. THAT has been my problem in the past. Anyways, good luck.
  2. Just like this category says ‘Mind over Matter’.
    Your mind has the power to do a lot of things, addiction is all in your head.
    I think it’s the belief of such a large amount of people that delegates an addiction.
    If no one was addicted to it, would you think you are?

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  3. #43 Sanez, May 25, 2018
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
    Addiction should also be given some credit for its power over the mind. I've seen some pretty extreme cases of alcoholism extended over more than 20 years, and depending on where you live, you might know some people who have struggled with worse when it comes to hard drugs including alcohol. Real sustained pathological cases of addiction will basically subvert the normal function of multiple subcortical and subthalamic brain regions, located around the brainstem, that are extremely difficult -- if not impossible -- to control directly from cortex. We can perceive many of these effects, but successful regulation often requires a great deal of time, meditation, and changes to habits and environment. The science here is extremely complicated. It's a real problem, without any clear solution. It's easy for an observer to chalk things up to a lack of willpower, but I think that doesn't do justice to the often overwhelming power of addiction.

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  4. A lot of the reasons for addiction are out of our control imo... Genetics for example and environment (family or foster home, whatever "role models" one has had)

    Habits are hard to give up, one could say they too are addictions until one steps back and becomes the witness and takes steps to curb them by replacing with better or at least different choices...

    i could easily become a pot head but for a limited tolerance... if i imbibe too much cannabis over a few days i begin to get little stabbing pains in the head or chest similar to too much caffeine which i have to limit as well...

    Also there is a point where many of us realize that MJ as natural and less harmful than prescription drugs has it's limits... it is still a "fix" often for an underlying psychological or emotional problem (s)...

    The same sensations of "being high" can be produced with breathing and Self Awareness techniques but it takes a bit of time to loose the crutches and learn to walk on ones own... The best high is a natural one that is legal anywhere...

    Rest in the pure consciousness state, prior to identification with concepts, many of which are insane societal induced...

    Of course actual physical pain is something else... that is different than mind game "suffering", but i digress...
  5. I was an alcoholic for most of my adult life. Message me if you need someone to help you get thru getting sober again! It took countless try's before I was finally able to put the bottle down.
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  6. I'm assuming you smoke weed or you probably wouldn'tbe here, but how is your weed habit in comparison to your alcohol habit?

    I know for me, I used weed to help me get off some other heavy stuff that was killing me, and the weed did help. I continue to smoke cuz it keeps me from needing other shit. I know some won't agree with that but it is what it is.
  7. I don't feel the need for weed like I did Beer. I still dip and I think that is far more addictive than anything, to be honest. Weed calms down my PTSD and Anxiety. I use it with my regular medication with no side effects. I just don't see an issue with it. I was never addicted to weed.
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  8. I got you. I feel the same, it helps my anxiety and depression and keeps me from seeikng that relief elsewhere. I been clean from that other stuff for two years and I'm way better off on the herb alone.
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  9. I can tell u from experience that quitting weed is easier than a lot of other stuff such as cigarettes and beer. I didn't think so myself, but I'm currently weed free and this is not the first time. With weed it's more about urge, with cigarettes it's like your body needs it. The sleep thing is annoying AF, but different people have different methods of dealing with it and u need to find your own, also it won't last. I've known a lot of people that quit weed, but cigarettes and alcohol? That seems damn near impossible.
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