Marijuana: The Biblical Forbidden Fruit

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by iximindtrickixi, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. A bit ironic since without drugs, more precisely entheogens, humans could hardly get to the conclusion that the universe is ruled by a single almighty god so why would they forbid it in their own religion?
  2. Forbidden Fruit
    ----This makes alot of since to me ^

    i really don't know what to think about it but from right now i think ima smoke a bowl to help me sleep :)
  3. [quote name='"Smigs"']

    Very plausible, perhaps the bud was so potent that it acutually gave those visions, but through the years of cannabis being about, it losts it potency. So we no longer get those visions.[/quote]

    The way I think is that tolerance is compounded through the generations...
    So the first people had no tolerance and ate from the weed or papaver somniferum variety both of which common in the middle east.
  4. I have always thought about this and totally agree with the fact that it is definitely possible for the forbidden fruit to be pot. Yes the bible may call it fruit and say they ate it, but it also says when god caught them and cast them out of the garden he kept it on this earth but disguised it as something else. So technically it could have been a cannabinoid fruit thing, and when god disguised it he made it a bud that had to be smoked to get the same effect....just thoughts though i am in no way saying this is fact
  5. I have always thought about this and totally agree with the fact that it is definitely possible for the forbidden fruit to be pot. Yes the bible may call it fruit and say they ate it, but it also says when god caught them and cast them out of the garden he kept it on this earth but disguised it as something else. So technically it could have been a cannabinoid fruit thing, and when god disguised it he made it a bud that had to be smoked to get the same effect....just thoughts though i am in no way saying this is fact
  6. Adam ate raw bud and hallucinated LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
  7. This is the most ridiculous chunk of bullshit I have read.
  8. what in the fuck?
    people believe some ridiculous shit...
    Well fuck yeah! I'm a firm believer in not just some ridiculous shit - I believe in a whole lot of ridiculous shit!  :metal:
  10. The fruit mentioned was a goddamned fig, for crying out loud. lmao
  11. Interesting theory.
    There's a book called Ishmael that got me thinking about the idea of creation.
    It's all metaphorical: the Garden represents the balanced cycles of life. Humans were hunter gatherers and Nature provided everything we needed. In the same way, a lion doesn't kill the entire herd of antelope. It takes what it needs and the herd replenishes and the cycle remains balanced.
    The fruit represents a lust for power. A transition out of the hunter-gatherer phase was prompted by the advent of agriculture. More land = more food = more offspring. We then got to the point where we were killing each other for the land (Cain and Abel). Eve was the one who needed food the most (so as to grow more people) and that is why she convinced Adam to partake.
    With this logic, there was never an Adam or Eve. They are rather constructs that represent the way our ancestors operated. 
    Call it Krishna, Thor, Allah, Buddha, or God : its all the same. The hive-mind creates an entity that is relevant to the culture.
    Krishna has several arms - the Indians value multitasking.
    Thor fashioned weapons - the Vikings valued weaponry to dominate their foes.
    God has streets of gold - the Romans valued infrastructure. 

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