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Marijuana kills brain cells.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kaetzchen, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. So hello and welcome, folks! I would like to first off say that I think marijuana does the opposite. I started smoking about a year ago. Before I started smoking I was really dumb and immature and did I mention retarded?... First off folks! I would like to point out that I never could use my left hand before I started smoking either, it was weird, my left hand would do the same thing my right one would always do. If I was making love to Susy, Betty was like a damn mime right on that shit! I can now juggle with my two hands perfectly (better if I'm stoned.) I and everyone else around me feels I am wittier (stoned or unstoned) I went through a big! personality change (for the better)
    But now I strangely find myself wanting to use my left hand more! mostly while really stoned off my vaporizer. I think mary gurl has healing properties for the brain.
    Maybe I am on to something here.. maybe it is that I am a retardation... maybe this has already been talked about...
    weather it be,
    keep it reel G!
    and hey yo! b!
    keep on smokin'
    dem mean ol' tree!

    RESPEK! :smoke:
  2. Its actually been proven that marijuana does the opposite. It can actually repair brain cells that have been damaged via heavy drinking.
  3. #6 weednotcrack, Apr 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2011
  4. “I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”
    -Ronald Regan

  5. Lol smoking 1 joint can incinerate you into a cloud of atoms and burn your shadow into the ground, proven fact

  6. You of all people should know this. That fucking mushroom cloud over boulder last week damn near killed everyone.

  7. I was in the epicenter of that blast, i think i survived it hahahaha
  8. Good thing you didnt smoke a joint! you may have died... :smoke:
  9. well marijuana has never been proven to kill brain cells. In a study they did a long time ago where the exposed monkeys to marijuana, and they put gas masks on them and pumped smoke into in but what killed the brain cells of the exposed monkeys they learned that the reason the lost brain cells is that they expiration a lack of oxygen.

    And marijuana doesn't make u mature (or help u use ur left hand???) the reason your not a immature is a thing called growing up!

  10. Lol if j's = nuclear blast, Boulder alone would have rocked the earth out of orbit and blown a crater the size of colorado into the earth
  11. Marijuana doesn't kill brain cells, smoking does. If you were to eat edibles, then no brain cells will be killed. When you are holding in your hit you are killing brain cells, because you aren't feeding your brain with o2.

    Swimming for an hour will kill 10x more brain cells then a shit ton of blunts.

    Also, up until recently people were under the assumption that brain cells don't heal/re-produce (or however you want to say it). <--- Bull Shit.
  12. #17 Xery, Apr 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2011
    You could adapt to the high it's self changing your personality, implying you are more mature/chill when stoned..?

  13. What, you mean if you're under water the whole time? I was a competitive swimmer for 15 years. Believe me, we breathe. A lot.

  14. can't imagine what all those l's would do, if Reagan was right.

  15. No, because when you swim you generally arent in a constant state of breathing and slight lack of o2 will begin to kill brain cells.

    But then again, sneezing kills brain cells, coughing, lightly tapping your head on the wall....

    The point was, swimming for an hour, will kill more brain cells, than holding in your hits of weed, and NEITHER of them are significant quantities of brain cells

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