So basically last Tuesday I went to truancy court for missing a lot of school this year(my senior year) due to my anxiety. So everything is going good until I find out I have to take a drug test. Which of course I failed. So now i have to go to an outpatient rehab thing every week and get drug tested for 8 weeks so I had to quit. I haven't smoked in a week now and I have not felt even a single withdrawal symptom. (I smoked every single day for 7 months before this and quit overnight). I don't get why people say it is? I guess everybody is different though. Now I want to hear your stories of quitting and if you had any withdrawal symptoms or not! Thanks! One love!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
it isn't physically addictive, but i guarantee after 20 years of smoking you'd miss it. good luck with the remaining 7 weeks
I've smoked for years straight and taken several months(sometimes 6+ off) and I've never had any problems.
Been smoking over 20 years. Stopped last September. No issues. Been 4 months. Do I miss it? Yes, the same way I miss a good slice of Pizza when I'm not on the East coast. It's not world shaking.
[quote name="llllllllll" post="19381769" timestamp="1390340451"]7 months of smoking isn't that long, its actually pretty short.and yes weed is mentally addictive [/quote] I've been smoking for about 3 years. But 7 months ago is when it started being an every night thing.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I guess op was expecting the sweats at night and the heartache that comes with real addiction..It's nothing like that young lungs. After many years of smoking you might miss it or even get upset cuz your not high, but give it a week and you'll be feeling like a square in no time. But don't forget it's worst then alcohol!!
Drugs affect everyone's body differently so you really can't make a conclusion for everyone based on yourself. I know people who smoked weed everyday for years and quit without many problems at all. I've known other people who were everyday stoners and when they had to quit they had insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, etc. It really just depends on how your body reacts to weed. But yes, you are right as in no one is going to get the same withdrawal from weed as they would harder drugs, just because marijuana isn't that strong in terms of addiction. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Let's see...One millennium, plus another...2,000...Add in a quarter, 2,025ish. Try smoking for 2,025ish years and tell me how easy it is to quit, when you do that...I'll quit.
I think it is addictive like having a coffee every morning is kind of addictive. You're not going to get hardcore withdrawal symptoms, but you will feel like there is a hole in your life. For me, weed is also a social activity i do with my friends. When we don't have weed, everything we do becomes less interesting.
I believe this is subjective, as everyone might not see "addictive" the same way. Imo it is about addictive as any other thing a person would crave, such as pizza, COKE, cookies, COFFEE, hamburgers, TEA. If you compare it to something like addictive pharmaceuticals, such as….i don't know… codeine? … then NO it is NOT addictive.
I used smoke everyday of the week for a few months. then quit for months. then got back into it and now quit again. drama free, it's entirely my choice whether i Want to or not. it's whether I WANT to. not NEED to. and that is why marijuana is not addictive. if u think you're 'addicted', you're not, your self discipline is just very low. and you are weak, mentally. happy toking Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="walterbishop" post="19381806" timestamp="1390340974"]Been smoking over 20 years. Stopped last September. No issues. Been 4 months.Do I miss it? Yes, the same way I miss a good slice of Pizza when I'm not on the East coast. It's not world shaking.[/quote]exactly!!! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
\t“Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating.†-Richard Neville
I smoked daily for four years straight, like 1 gram a day. Thought I'd try stop smoking for a week, thinking it would be hard since I've smoked so much constantly. It was a piece of cake. The only "symptom" I've experienced was a slight headache (if you can even call it an ache) and I lost some appetite for food. Oh yeah, also took a bit longer to get to sleep, but nothing major.
I went away for work a couple months ago and stood a week without the bud after having it nearly everyday for years..The only noticeable difference I felt is that it seemed easier to wake up in the morning during that week. Anyone felt this? It's rough getting up the in mornings for me at it is. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app