Marijuana dispensaries in CT??

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by corso415, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone i just received my medical mj card and now i have nowhere to use it lol ... does anyone know of any delivery people or any news on anything at all ... thank you ... corso   :cry: 

  2. Did you ask the doctor that you got it from where to get?they should know
  3. I heard somewhere along the lines that rhode island will honor neighboring states cards. dont know if this is true
  4. #4 trichomesweethome, Jul 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2014
    good to hear man! just did the whole doctor thing now waiting on my application to go through so i can get my card, hopefully. same with a buddy of mine tokinup said ask the doctor that gave you the app/recommendation.
  5. doctor doesnt know ... she said you have to wait or go to other state but she was fucking blitzed anyways hah ... gettin a ct card right now is useless
  6. Sounds like you need a good old fashioned dealer at this point.  Probably less expensive too.
  7. I saw a medical pot guy on craigslist from CT. Don't remember exactly what section. I remember it was under Hartford, Connecticut. I am also from Connecticut. I saw the registration form on but it says there not taking applications at this time. It also has a list of serious illnesses that you would have to have to get a medical card. Nothing like California where a kid walks in and says I have a tummy ache and walks out with a 215 card. In CT some of the illnesses include, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. Do you have a serious disease if you don't mind me asking? Curious because this CT Medical Marijuana Laws is pretty new.
  8. i have my card for ptsd ... and i have found someone ... not a big selection .. but something
  9. The streets in CT are your option although you probibly wont find medical grade. Within the new law it prohibits out of state purchase Many Medical users I know in CT are doing it illegal and growing there personal medicinal plants. The news did a story about it. If you find a caretaker in surrounding states willimg to sell to you, your probably not going to get what your looking for. Theyre just drug dealers trying to make a buck and pretending to be what they arnt. Its probably going to be another year before dispensaries are up and running since the laws on that topic arnt even fully passed yet. Sorry to be a downer but im just telling you how it is. Good luck
  10. i also heard that RI is taking out of state cards.. you might want to check that out
  11. Are the cards easy to get in ct or ri

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  12. thank god I live in California! Delivery services on every street corner practically.
  13. #13 Greenbudz, Jul 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2013
    Plenty of Quality Meds east of the river some of those Conn.  Cow Towns, and Sticksvilles  have very pleasant medz.  At this point it's really who ya know.   I'm  all for skipping right through the Medical  and going the Colorado and Washington route.
  14. Ri isnt. You have to have the specific dispenuary as your caretaker in order for you to be served by them. Its a twisted law trying to stay away by fed crackdown since there not going to go after caretakers or patients

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