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Marijuana and OCD

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Sensi Enthused, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. it helped me with my OCD a ton, had it since early teens if i remember correctly. You dont have to get stupid high to feel relief either, just like you said have half a J or just get a small bowl.

  2. i asked a similar question recently, a heavey indica strain is what i figured to be the best bet.. i know where ur coming fom on the sativa, it does sometimes bring on those symptoms.

    i also was on effexor for some time and a few others for 2 years and nothing really did anything besides take all feelings away. so i went off it on my own and smoked a ton of weed for a while, and got that cut back to moderation, everything is cool now. hope that helps
  3. I think it has helped my OCD vastly, but not in the way you may think.

    Its definitely given me a more positive outlook on life and my compulsions. Generally my compulsions without an antidepressant or weed were obsessive and sometimes crazy now I just have good compulsions. But it hasnt eliminated them by any means. I think the real key between pot and helping with OCD is CB1 and CB2 other active chemicals in cannabis. THC alone makes me more anxious/paranoid (still euphoric though) whereas CB1 and CB2 give me the good stoned effect that keeps my compulsions down.

    Youre probably asking how I distinguised the feeling between the two. Well, Ive noticed that if I use my vaporizer and get only THC I tend to be more anxious but when I would bake brownies using the poo my mindset would be better than when I vaped it. It could also be that edibles are the better choice for those with high anxiety?

    A good thing to note as well is that when you make edibles you tend to stay high longer than when you smoke it but you dont get the head rush.

    Its still a work in progress, OCD is really hard to diagnose as well and is different for a lot of people. I take Paxil and it speeds me up a little so pot slows me down just the right amount.
  4. Weed can go both ways with my OCD mostly it improves it yet sometimes i get worse feeling for a little of certain buds primarily heavy sativas.
  5. so, i heard on the news that illinois senate is going to pass medical..
    think thats only going to be for serious pain and illness?
  6. Marijuana has helped eneromously with my severe ocd/depression. My type of OCD is purely obsessional (Purely Obsessional OCD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Intrusive and often times horrific thoughts come into my mind, and I would be convinced that I was going to do them. Hours and hours each day these thoughts occupied my mind.

    Certian spikes would be so bad that I actually went through with the obsessions and ended up doing things that were dangerous, potentially fatal, and ultimately have been traumatic for me.

    Just before I was set to check myself into the psych hospital, I tried marijuana. For me, it was a miracle. I had control over my thoughts, and the intrusive thoughts that had occupied so many hours of each and every day were next to gone. This might not work for everybody, and I know it took many times before I found out how exactly to make it work for me, but it was worth it.

    Better than the other 10+ meds me and my doctors have tried for it.
  7. I actually have a very severe case of OCD, depression, and anxiety -- I'm hoping I can just visit another state and get a recommendation so I don't get arrested haha
  8. I have BPD and find that marijuana helps me extremely well in the area of food. I am on a medication that makes me rarely have an appetite about once or twice a day. My stomach will be hungry but my body won't and it does start to cause me stomach aches. But when I smoke I find myself eating (munchies obviously). Helps a great deal with that.

    And obviously as everyone else has said helps with depression as well. I went a long time not toking daily and it was great though so I just find myself at a nice even state and while sober (for long periods or time, weeks or months) I find myself switching moods more frequently.
  9. I have had OCD since I was around five or so. I heavily smoked a few years ago. I eventually got depressed. I think it was because I was using it to put a barrier between me and my problems. Don't use it to escape from reality and I think you'll be ok. But of course, if you do feel depressed tell someone. I was very suicidal for a while there, and no one will ever know.

    Buzzkillington out! :smoking:

    p.s. I stopped smoking for a while. And I only do it about once every few months now. I haven't done it in about four months though. That little episode I had really freaked me out.

  11. Totally agree. It is not healthy to escape reality using cannabis or smoke as a defense mechanism. I remember the first month at a new high school, my aunt and grandfather passed away within a week of each other. I was already a daily smoker so I just upped the dose. It wasn't until 2 weeks later, when my friend's exboyfriend was killed in a car crash, that I was able to start grieving. Smoking made me feel good for the time being, and suppressed the hard facts of reality. It wasn't until several months of daily smoking, that I realized I was just putting off reality for a later date and my anxiety was getting worse- I was severely depressed at this point. Some ups and many downs years later, I was diagnosed with severe OCD and BPD. I know there is no such thing as physical addiction, but I have experienced withdrawal symptoms on multiple occassions, and do not recommend to treat any psychiatric disorder daily with marijuana esp. for someone with an addictive personality. After years of self medicating, I think saving smoke for the weekends (or even more infrequently if you can) is most ideal- no obligations but to relax. It feels nice to treat yourself.
  12. Seems to work for depression, and either makes my OCD worse or better. Weed definitely kills my edge and relieves anger, chilling me out, making it easier for me to deal with things. So ultimately, it definitely helps.

  13. I posted this before you jumped on my case about it. Chill.

  14. hey man wow. this sounds just like me. getting high feels great when you don't think about your OCD. I too thought I was going blind when I was high. also, I do not know about you guys, but when I catch myself doing a ritual when I'm high, I feel a sense of great shame, and extremely depressed about myself, all most like your looking at yourself through yourself.....if that makes any sense to you guys.
  15. When I was smoking I never had bad OCD, but I did notice it lessened my mild symptoms.
  16. From those I've spoken with, and from what I've read on the internet, I believe that I have experiences with marijuana that are quite atypical. I suspect that those experiences are primarily due to the OCD I've had since childhood, and have entirely self-treated.

    When I smoke, which I now do about once or twice a year, I tend to get extreme anxiety. A number of times, the OCD would spike really hard to the point where my thoughts would so entirely consume me that I'd lose connection to the physical world and appear to pass-out. Other times, my mind might simply race and feel like it will explode. Luckily, this happens pretty shortly after a hit (one is enough), and things are usually a bit safer after 10-15 minutes. Although that can feel like forever...

    Besides this, I get extreme open and closed eye visuals, once I even saw colors. I once hallucinated that I was being attacked and beaten, certainly a "bad trip". Overall, other than the dry mouth and red eyes, I'd say that my experiences have been closer to those described of LSD than Marijuana.

    Despite all of this, the days following use, my OCD appears under much better control. I can handle stressful tasks without spiking, without anxiety. Some of the best days of my life, in terms of handling my OCD, were those following a session. I suspect I would probably be a good candidate for "high-less" medical marijuana, or perhaps a better selection of weed strains that would be available through a legit distributor and experiment until I found a strain that didn't send me flying too high.
  17. i suffer from ocd and tourettes. i find marijuana helps way more than any pill can help.
  18. Marijuana has helped more than any of the 20+pills ive tried plus years of therapy.

    That said, I have sever OCD, and still am on klonopin, remeron, and in invega. It is a dificult disorder to beat.
  19. I have OCD and it is making me crazy. I am wondering what kind of grass you smoke (any particular strain or quality?) and what gives you the best relief?
  20. I have had OCD since I was born. My mother had it and I think Dad did too. I never understood this disease until lately, however. Looking back at my life I can see how it affected me in ways that were very annoying! Smoking helped me get through some pretty severe periods of my life. I can't smoke now, however...hurts my lungs, doesn't feel good. I'm thinking a vaporizer. Any comments?

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