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Marijuana and Anti-Depressants

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dusty92388, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Thanks for your input weednotcrack. I'm going to look into that. I've had a really bad diet and eating habits. Exercise has always made me feel a little better. I guess I need to quit cigarettes =/
  2. #22 Sw33tdwill, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm on my phone atm all you have to do is Google effects of anti depressants, they don't even work its just massive money thrown in commercials and other advertising and the curruption on pharmasuticals
  3. OP, please do me a favor and don't take advice from a stoner's forum over your doctor. That includes my advice as well.

    Having said that, antidepressants have saved a lot of people's lives, so to completely write them off lacks common sense. The marijuana culture is obviously anti prescription medicine, and sometimes there's a good reason for that. However, many of these folks telling you that they are the worst thing in the world have likely never experienced true depression and the relief that some of these medicines can bring. I had to go through quite a few antidepressants before I found the one that worked for me. Years later, I feel more confident with my state of mind and am ready to give it a go without any pills. Even so, I am so thankful for the medicine that I was on and certainly don't look down on anyone that decides they need the medication to live a normal life. Good luck!
  4. #24 Railer, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Don't mix them. I smoked on zoloft and tripped the fuck out. Everything turned purple and yellow and I was shaking violently. It was really scary.
  5. That's what I'm taking. I've smoked 3 times since starting the drug, and I haven't had any negative experiences.
  6. #26 Railer, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Everyone's different, but also, I might have made it worse by freaking out
  7. Rougetoker, thanks for your input. It's nice to know that certain medications are helping people. I've always been against prescription drugs, and marijuana. But I've always kept an open mind. If someone would have told me 5 years ago that I was going to take anti-depressants and get stoned, I would have never believed it.
  8. #28 SanDiegoStonerz, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I got off cymbalta cold turkey a few months ago. Was like a month long opiate withdrawal feeling. Crazy how these meds can have more severe withdrawals then illegal hard drugs.
  9. I know a lot of people are gonna come here to talk shit. And I agree that there are adverse effects to taking antidepressants. But speaking as someone who has and still struggles with severe depression, I can safely say that meds have helped me. If you've ever been that depressed, you know that you'll do almost anything to try and make it stop. People need to understand that.

    Now that that's taken care of.

    I personally have never found that smoking messes with my meds or anything like that. A lot of people say that it will prevent them from working but that's not the case for me. Also, weed is technically a depressant, but for me it's the opposite. Even though this is mental it is still important. So yeh, I hope it turns out alright.
  10. #30 SanDiegoStonerz, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This is for prescription drugs, soo I'd say at least a 1/4 of them are anti depressants
    100,00 a year, 270 a day.

    So that's like 25K a year and 67 a day that die from anti depressants.,_while_pharma_companies_get_rich/
  11. A troll once described my mates misses' depression as "depression is not an illness but a name doctors use to make (attention seeking syndrome) sound like a real condition" :smoke:
  12. Message deleted.

  13. Different effects for everyone man, they work wonders for some people.
  14. Try mixing your anti-deppressants (if under 50mg a day) with anti biotics and bud. Works wonders :smoke:

  15. That's just stupid. Sure there are a bunch of people who use depression for attention. But some people are depressed because they despise themselves and, because of this, would never want to be noticed. He and every other ignorant person should probably consider some of the other millions of depressed people in the world.
  16. Dude, there is too much hypocrisy in here!.... take you pills the doc suscribed and smoke your weed, only you will be able to tell if the conflict.

    3 years ago my Dad died of cancer, from diagnosis to death was about 6 weeks, it seriously fucked my head up! combination of losing my dad, who was also a great freind to me, watching him suffer to the end and Cancer fear sent me into a sent me into 12 to 18 months of purgatory, I thought weed was causing the anxiety so quit but the anxiety remained so eventually after pressure from my family I went to the docs and he put me on paroxetine, dont get me wrong I know the pitfalls but since I went on them it brought me back to reality, I smoke weed regularly and anxiety free.

    Forums are great places to share ideas but dont listen to all the conspiracy bullshit in here about doctors etc, they are generaly good, well educated people who are here to help.

    And to expand slighly on the hypocrisy comment. We are here smoking marijuana, a drug widely reported as bad for your mental health, but we know better dont we, we know better because we are pot heads! :) We didnt need to go to medical school for 10 years, we smoked a bowl for christ sake and infinite knowlege was bestowed upon us :D

    Dude, take your tablets, get yourself better and continue to smoke weed! peace!
  17. #37 Chroniccccc, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Best advice I've heard in a long while. + rep :smoke:
  18. #38 crankacid, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    He is a troll...... So obviously your so ignorant you would be trolled by him.
  19. Lets face it guys,
    MEDICALLY speaking depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain and anti-depressants add the right chems to make it normal
    now that being said they can hurt you too, depends on which it is
    also being said, weed helps with depression...(for me it least)
    :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:
  20. Depression has been linked to an imbalance between two chemicals within the brain, which is an actual deficiency that needs help to be treated.

    Someone that can't handle their own emotions or life as they have not been trained to, is a state of mind and requires willpower and sometimes a little help.

    Anti-Depressants and weed work alright together, not great, but not bad. Understand that there is no pill to set your state of mind to a positive one, but believe it can help you control your own thoughts.

    Although here in Canada this treatment is FREE.

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