Man sentenced to jail for collecting rainwater

Discussion in 'General' started by rain dancer, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. They wouldn't need to treat it for you if you were allowed to collect and purify water from the sky without a middleman.

    The fact that you agree with this practice is the very reason these draconian laws exist. Btw, this Thread has nothing to do with water treatment plants. The guy owns 170 acres in the middle of Oregon.

    Edit: it sounded like I blamed you exclusively, so allow to me clarify. Public support for regulation of everything is becoming a problem.
  2. How would water that has fallen on his property ever even make it to one of there water collecting plants or whatever you call their system of collecting rain water?
  3. I don't completely agree with Graywater laws, but there is some reasoning behind it that I do agree with.

    I can see both sides, but it's not as ridiculous as you might think. I took a class on this a few years ago and I don't remember too much, so I can't really argue.

    I don't particularly agree with this case though. This guy had every right to collect rainwater.
  4. Holy crap i just collected a few gallons of rain water. I could have went to jail
  5. It's ridiculous that water is now bottled and processed to be a consumer product.
    Fuck this all.
    Water is the Earth's gift to us.
  6. Yes! And the next time the governments rain destroys something of mine they shall pay
  7. Not only a gift! but it's a part of us. We're made out of it.
  8. absolute bullshit. This is the exact shit i have been talking about. Now we can't even collect water that falls from the sky. Time to wake up people
  9. How about a tax for every breath you take since your using up OUR oxygen and how about a tax for every time you exhale since your polluting OUR air with YOUR cabron dioxide!!!!

    Don't agree? Then your a crazy right wing republican tea partierer!!


    When will the madness ened and the frightening thing is this sort of thing was brought up in a high school civics class about five years ago and a decent amount of kids thought taxing breathing was a good idea.
  10. "13 million gallons of illicit rainwater" makes it sound like a drug. Surprised they didn't have already conference standing in front of the pond saying how much rainwater they had confiscated and how much it was worth
  11. Land of the free... Im not even from USA... Lololol
  12. yeah, and did you know all that water is contaminated with plastic particles? Plastic is one of the worst materials. They are literally selling us poison. In our food, our water, our air, their poison "medicine"...they outlaw the cure for cancer and almost all health problems, they are taking our rights away by the day.
  13. Can i consider planting a tree an investment to make money of the sale of o2 in the future? Or should i worry about getting taxed because it would be using public rain to grow.
  14. Why does the government get to regulate rain.......? What has this world come to.
  15. it could be an issue over taking water from treatment plants, but i think its more of an issue of him messing up the watershed.

    i would be pretty pissed if i lived on a lake or a pond, and the waterline kept dropping because this dude built his own pond pretty much... he took a lot of water and that messes up the cycle of water in the watershed. this can also cause environmental problems, just think if ten people built those... a small lake would be gone in a couple of summers
  16. The whole bottled water thing shouldn't be hated on, some places don't have clean water and it is necessary. I know it's over priced but they do have employees, overhead, etc etc.

    I see TheCrunges point, and it's not like he got busted for 'holding his mouth open in the rain or collecting a couple gallons, he collected enough to fill a huge ass pond...

    Don't get me wrong I think it's BS that this happened to him but I can also see that if it affected the towns water supply then it is legitimate.

  17. Interesting fact:
    Bottled water is regulated less than water treatment plants and studies have shown it to often contain harmful bacteria and chemicals that are consciously screened at water treatment plants, but are allowed in certain quantities in soft drinks.

    Interesting fact: bottled water is considered soft drinks.
  18. To a degree i agree on this statement cuz i know people who have too much calcium in their water so they cant use local water. They have to use bottled water for everything.

    But the water is bottled by machines so not quite as many people to pay as one might think. Youre still going to be paying that dollar or two for water at a corner store or even worse at a major event like a football game or a concert where it can be 5 or 6 dollars for a bottle.

    People profitting off of something that everyone deserves just seems a little off to me. Just my 2cents
  19. I fucking hate the government
  20. Its ok get past the anger stage and you will feel better than ever

    You'll be absolutely free

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