Male to Female Ratio in Regular packs

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by MarriedToMaryJ, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Hey guys
    Usually I purchase feminized seeds but now that I'm seeing some nice strains that I can't get feminized. Like oceangrownseeds. So I'm just curious if this can be answered. How many females have you gotten from your regular seed packs. I'm also sure it depends on the breeder.

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  2. There is no defining ratio, just grow them all, then if you get some females, pick the best one(s) and then turn her / them into your cloner(s) / mother(s). But sometimes you will get (0), but that's very rare, my last 3 packs of ten came in at, (3, 6, 4)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. out of ten seeds people used to say 50-50...,,,but as years have gone by ,,reckon now its 70% female 30% male or 60%femae 40%male ..,if youve got room for lots of plants i'd buy regular seeds its worth buying the regular seed ,and then making some seed yourself .,but as i only grow small its femmed seed for me ,,,mac..
  4. 50-50 has been my luck, I hatch 6 then take clones of each plant as soon as possible and run them at 12/12 so I can toss the males sooner...

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