Male or female is the question lol

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Robertterry22, May 10, 2018.

  1. 25785663-5A6A-4B69-BBFC-398E41B93CE8.jpeg 4380BD00-C226-4C05-80CB-A1457DDFA79A.jpeg 3707512B-1CB5-4B37-A4C9-DBE8B5F94C1C.jpeg BFBE02AD-4D35-4957-8E1C-0387D2B5AB3C.jpeg 044E21F1-20E2-44CF-96E0-1DBED0D9355D.jpeg B07D2D85-A2E3-4EB3-B793-1885C9BACB3C.jpeg C3B11194-4AEE-45FB-8F5F-664D3C3CAA7F.jpeg 5C2E0EEC-EEB0-48D5-800E-1AABCC2745AB.jpeg 94C97353-E38E-4D26-BC9D-941631C7440B.jpeg B8672134-D4C4-4AF0-B8A1-E7E7C9B9A2EA.jpeg 652C06D5-2744-476D-8D53-8AD419CCAF92.jpeg C96945E2-DF1E-4108-A802-D3D1C001E75E.jpeg 65A4DD19-6FF6-4D78-9F6B-1CA662C74AC3.jpeg 74BE1DF0-2CB5-402D-A096-794260E1C727.jpeg 432B8DB5-9378-4CCA-A45C-21C2645268BB.jpeg 19BFBB4C-1300-4AD0-B505-3C634282F494.jpeg AE06C2CE-F2B8-4562-8F03-DE871D7BEF2B.jpeg 86A5493F-B851-4A8C-B4BC-66085CC5AD43.jpeg ED9F6C78-B80F-4B9B-8E40-ACB01464C925.jpeg F2F33CFC-53FD-4BF1-B75E-538236BA3A3F.jpeg I am pretty sure it’s a female but any other people able to take a look and let me no your opinions. It’s the plant with the bigger leaves and pics of white hairs And then the other next to that is a clone from the two with buds I was hoping for a male to try and pollinate a branch of my clone but I guess I should put them back to veg for a few days then cut more clones. ??????
  2. Female. Definitely.
  3. Congratulations It’s a girl
  4. What would make you think it’s anything but female?
  5. Nothing maid me think male at all it’s just I was really hoping for a male to bread if you read my post it says I am pretty sure but I was waiting a male.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. I think you might need some more pics.
  7. Males buds might look that good when done lol. Study time. I would really start watching some videos and doing some studying if you're going to continue to grow. YouTube or weedtube look up Lex Blazer Jorge Cervantes

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