I set up my tent set up today and brought my plant inside that i had out in backyard yesterday.... they got even noticable bigger in a day under a 600 watt ballast (hdl) i figured they already started outside by the sun for about 2 months,,,im so proud of them they look beautiful but.....on one of my plants i noticed a few balls im wondering if their male and should i remove them from my grow room...can anyone from my city help me out any advice would be greatly appreciated,,,thx peep
Need way better pic. back off the plant some with the camera for a clearer shot. Put the camera at focus range even though it wont be a close up.
can't see the second pics. You should be able to tell within 2 weeks of being under 12/12. It'll have lots of hairs or no hairs and balls. I just learned the deal myself. Found balls on one plant and lucked out with lots of new white hairs on the other.