Male & female?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by DankDakota, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Is it true a male or female plants don't produce bud? If so, which one? What's the difference between male and female weed plants?~
  2. Male=pollen sacs (not smoke able) Female=bud.
  3. Is there a visual difference between both, I already planted some /:
  4. I'm assuming you've smoked before haha.. Female will look like that. Male will look like a bunch of little balls that eventually open up and drop tons of pollen. You will know if you see them. Google a picture of male cannabis and female cannabis if you want pics.
  5. Ya aha & thanks ^_^
  6. They wont show sex though until flower so if you are using bagseed or non-femmed seeds you gotta wait it out although males from what I understand are usually lankier and grow differently, but it seems hard to spot unless youve got a bunch of experience and a keen eye.

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