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Making firecrackers, need help.

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by KushSmokaa, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Ive made a few threads in the past about fire crackers and i never actually make them because i never get responses. and dont wanna fuck it up.

    Will .3 of pretty dank bud be enough for 1 firecracker? i honestly dont wanna get fucked up i just wanna be pretty high for a few hours but where i can still smoke a little and not be way to high to the point of feeling sick.

    My plan is 350 for 23 minutes, everything sound good?

    i only have 2 questions hopefully they will be answered!

  2. i forgot to add, i have a pretty low tolerance and smoking .3 by myself would get me really high.

    i was thinking of letting them sit for a few days since i will be making them tomorrow and eating them saturday then microwaving them for 15 seconds before indulging, good or bad idea?
  3. Follow the recipe linked. Follow them temps, times, everything.
    I use that one, and it rips me for like 6-8hours, heres the run down.

    1. I use .5g dank or more for 6-8 hour minimum PER cracker. for 2 ppl its 1g+ of dank
    2. I decarb the tree before mixing it with the pb.
    3. I use Natural PB (has oil on top) + A little melted butter to up the fat, mixed up.
    4. It takes 1hr for me on and empty stomach to have them kick in.
    5. I usually :bongin: right after I eat them, bc I don't want to wait for and hour.
    6. I am ripped for anywhere from 5hrs up to 9hrs.
    7. If you drink on them, it fucks you way up.
    8. These work for me 100% of the time, every single time but Eddies don't for everyone.
    9. I have a mid-mild tolerance.
  4. #5 KushSmokaa, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2011
    i made them already, i used about .3 of dank and cooked them for 23 minutes at 340.

    i used a club cracker cuz i had no graham cracker and it turned from white to light brown, i dont think it burnt i think it just cooked.

    im saving them and im gonna eat them tomorrow.

    hope it works

    should i take them on an empty stomach? i was thinking of eating like an hour before
  5. I eat mine on and empty stomach

    But my buddie eats 1hr before hand, he says his body is already digesting, so it consumes it faster then mine.

    We both usually feel it within 1hr. So I just say empty bc it works for me so well.
  6. On an empty stomach works best for me.
  7. ate them today and then smoked a bowl with my friend about 45 minutes after and i was high for close to 4 hours :hello:

    about 40 minutes into it i felt tingly and i felt like i was coming up so i smoked and i was way higher then i shouldlve been from 1 bowl so i knew the edibles worked, and then i was high for 4 hours like i said.

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