Making bubble hash?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Jamesboo, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Hi I just had a knock on my door by one of my good friends, he’s given me 6 black sacks brimmed with all the throw away from one of his crops, he recons I’ll get 3oz easy?

    Is this true lol? And with the different filteration sheets that it sinks through in the bucket.. are the grades different ? Ie the top filtered sheet will get you smashed lol?
  2. The higher the micron number on the bag the better quality product will come out but less of that product. You wash in bag with smallest micron number and move up from there using the product you get from each bag to go into the next one to give you a more refined better product. Hope that helps boss if there are colors on the bags Google has the order you use them in.
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  3. You'll get more by making RSO and it'll be easier. I'd be really surprised if you got less than 3oz of hash oil.
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  4. What exactly do you do with rso? I hear that it will not taste good if smoked.. rso is an alcohol distillation process?
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  5. I’ve smoked rso and swallowed it in 1ml tubes granted it sent me to sleep but it’s not all as good as people make out if your a stoner by nature then the rso won’t do much for you... IMO & experience but could well be wrong..

    Oh and I smoked it by applying it to rizla then putting tobacco in, nasty
  6. If you want to smoke it then go with bubble hash, its pretty simple to do really, there are tons of tutorials on youtube.
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  7. Yeah I think I’ll go bubblehash and I’ve seen it on YouTube thanks lol to be honest you have to be slightly retarded if I’m honest to mess up lol
  8. #9 Cactus Ed, Jun 23, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
    Yes, I use alcohol as a solvent. I put it in capsules and swallow it.
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  9. I'm not sure what you mean by "a stoner by nature" but I've been doing this for a very long time and have to disagree about RSO not doing much for you. If you took a ml of RSO you'd be quite zonkered. I take a drop or two.
  10. I’m not even going to debate it you probably are right, but not in my case, if I’m right I felt like I’d done a load of diazepam but maybe I was expecting a whole lot more..
  11. I've had that feeling, I understand what you're saying. I guess what I was objecting to was your assertion that a stoner wouldn't enjoy RSO, I understand you don't enjoy it but that doesn't mean others don't. It must be a personal preference, eh? If you ever get a chance try it again, this time only take a small amount and see if it's a little more pleasurable and a little less sedating.
  12. Love bubble hash. I always add it in my joints
  13. I love bubble hash too! I like doing cup hits.

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  14. With microns it's measuring the distance between threads so it's the smaller the micron number the less impurities you get from your hash. Start with 200 micron or so and move down to 75 or 25 or whatever.
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  15. ive done bubble hash , you will be busy for a long ass time with 6 big bags , personally id rather do dry ice hash way quicker and imo a better yield
  16. Dry ice will give you a kick ass yield!

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