Makes me wanna hurt people

Discussion in 'General' started by fatblunts9-5-4, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. this fuckin guy I live with doesn't let me fucking smoke alone. The fucker passes out and wakes up just to see if i smoked...the thing is when we smoke he either talks about himself or asks stupid questions and loses intrest when I answer them.
  2. don't smoke with him?
  3. did he help pay for the bud? If not tell him to fuck off, or go take an L ride when hes sleeping.
  4. i had a roomate like that; its annoying. especially when he just wakes outta his coma, takes a couple rips, then falls asleep... IMHO that just defeats the point of smoking. i smoke to get high, and enjoy my high. he'd fall asleep on the couch; pretend he was asleep when i walked in the door and wait for me to grab my bong or grinder. he'd peak at me, and wait for the lighter spark to "wake up" and join my sesh. my solution; i started smoking in my room. he eventually got the hint; and the next 4 months of the lease he slept in his room at night.
  5. maybe im just miserable...idk sometimes i jsut want to have that introspective bowl and he sees that as me not wanting to chill with him and he makes sure to tell me about it.i think i just chill with him too much and hes one of those people you can only take in doses.
  6. I find it weird that people wake up when weed is being smoked, like how do they know..?

  7. be like "yea dude ur right, i dont wanna fucking chill with you, i wanna be by myself so fuck off leech"
  8. What do you mean he wakes up just to see if you smoked? And what do you mean by him making sure to tell you about it?

    Tell that ***** to fuck off unless hes buyin the sack too.
  9. i agree with the fact that unless he puts money in, tell him to shove it.

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