Hey all, A friend gave me 2 plants but before I got them he transplanted them from a aeroponics to MG soil then dropped them both down a whole flight of steps !!! wow how can you do that to the cough? Any ways I got them and they did not look that bad, so i put them under t5 lights so not to continue to stress the girls. It's been about 3 days now and they don't look so good, getting brown spots on fan leaves and all looks wilted, the limbs are still standing well and plants are still a nice green. What do you guys think? sorry no pics could my prob be PH since it was in a aeroponics set up then to soil or maybe the roots were damaged? I dont know but I would hate to lose this strain and i don't think I would be able to clone it at the moment. Please Help , And thanks for all your help !!!
I would say they were about a month old maybe less but there about 14" tall and a foot round, the newer set of leaves look alright but all fan leaves are turning brown and dying.
You likely have some kind of nutrient deficiency, possibly brought on by PH problems. You need to take a picture or we can't really help you.