Yeh i would like to know as well, apparently Grass city went under maintenance, so what changed what did they do
Maintenance happens from time to time, there might not be any changes that will be noticeable to us. Personally I'm hoping for a snack machine in the lobby, though.
Yeah. All I've noticed is it takes about 10-25 seconds to loads threads and refresh on my iTouch now. Used to be pretty instantaneous.
It's really slow it takes me about 5 minutes to load a page or make a post. And yeh i think a snack machine and a pool table would be great Also i have noticed that the smiley's have moved around.
I thought it might just be me...I reset all my equipment, but it's still about as fast as running with quicksand up to your waist... Hopefully it'll improve...
It's like going in and out kind of for me. I think it's fixed and almost post about it, but then it takes in excess of 2 minutes to load the Reply to Thread box. lol
No visible change has been done. Forums were closed when we were investigating the cause of the earlier downtime
Nah, I'm pretty sure the vB software is still the same. I think there was a vote a while ago about whether we should use the hearts or the little dudes for the "like" thing. People decided on the little dude icon. Not sure why it's changed back to the heart. Coulda been unintentional, or maybe gnik is just fuckin' with us.
Hmm did i mistakenly replaced little dudes ? They still show up correct for me. let me save them and re issue them as soon as possible. Not tonight though , will go and relax some , have some fuel for tonight