Made a lil ISO

Discussion in 'General' started by ZombieJuice, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Washed my Medtainer in 91%.Theres like a tablespoon of golden liquid left over from maybe about 4-5 tbsp i used to wash it. Fuck, i cant wait for this shit to be dry. Any tips on accelerating this process w/o reducing quality?sent from underneath my balls
  2. No.... just wait. It will be dry shortly. I've been working on 5oz's ot trim this past week. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait.
  3. Oh, i'll wait... i thought maybe putting it on a heating pad... but was worried i'd affect the taste/potencysent from underneath my balls
  4. #4 ZombieJuice, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2014
    Holy jeez... smoked the two huge hits w/o thinking to take a picture first. Absolutely fucked off. Completely obliterated. Omg, this is how high is supposed to feel. This day could not get better... woke up... gf picks me up... she busts out a massive blunt... smoke... make out... get hungry... DENNY'S... lumberjack slam... finish blunt... have the best sex of our two year relationship in her camaro in a deserted office building parking lot... smoke bowl after bowl basking in our post-orgasmic bliss... she drives me home... play LOL with my baby bro all fking day... chinese food with our dad... more LOL... come to my room to find iso hash dry as a bone, scrape, smoke and here i am typing.I'm baked yo.sent from underneath my balls
  5. You don't type hella ghetto when you're super baked hahaSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. [quote name="Blitzkriegin" post="19402922" timestamp="1390632484"]You don't type hella ghetto when you're super baked hahaSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Hahaha ghetto me is just a character my niggasent from underneath my balls
  7. lol uhm ok....
  8. you could have used a hair dryer .
    Fucking EPIC dude....Might want to separate that siggy sometimes! :poke:
     if anything a fan pointed at it to speed it up
  11. a fan pushes room temp air, Hair dryer is the best way to speed up evaporating.
  12. yes it does push room temp air...
     you don't want alot of heat on it
  13. [quote name="ZombieJuice" post="19403972" timestamp="1390661819"]Hahaha ghetto me is just a character my niggasent from underneath my balls[/quote]Alright well just don't break character again. Ghetto you is way more fun to read (except for the deciphering part)Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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