maaan its hot out. but i was able to beat the heat in the garage

Discussion in 'General' started by letsmokeasweet, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. yea so i smoke in the garage and im not sure about yall rich people, but mine does not have a/c in it
    its like 95+ out now so everyday when i go smoke i walk out of the garage and im covered with sweat. i have to change boxers lol
    i have a couch, table and a tv setup in there and its close to the door when you walk in
    you have to go though the laundry room to get to the garage
    so i tried leaving the door open to let the ac in, but its not enough
    it is still hot as fuck
    i tried a fan but the blowing of hot air was still hot
    so the other day, i got really high and got an idea while i was at home depot, spent a few bucks, and i basicly got a drier tube in the aplliances section, some aluminum foil tape
    got a ladder, went in the laundry room
    i took off the vent in the laundry room, made a little wooden plate, taped one end of the tube to the wooded plate and put the other end next to wear i sit on the couch
    and now i have a nice cool breaze blowing on me
    i thought it wouldnt work but it feels so much beter in here now
    im gona smoke another sweet


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  2. #2 StonedBatman, Jul 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2013
    I swear to god i thought it said "But I was able to beat the meat in the garage" 

  3. lol yea i didnt think bout that while i just wrote this and then i reread it and i was thinking the same thing
    the last picture probaly dosnt really help much either if ur smoking horny weed lol
  4. Good you thing you were able to beat it, good job man.
  5. Props to you im in florida and i lift weights in the garage.

    Fuck. That.

    Guess i wont be lifting this summer :smoke:

    Get a couple box fans though
  6. Literally its a cool idea  :smoke:
  7. wont your laundry room be hot now?
  8. i always beat my meat in the garage
  9. I know right! 

    There's just so much room for activities! 
    Ahahaha, looking back at the title I can see it, too. 
    You smoking dat precum kush? lol
  11. So ghetto but so cool as well lol good stuff man!
    yea it gets hot. but i dont care. if i keep the doors close no heat esacapes into the house, just for the second when i open the door
    besides the laundry room cools down real quick :):)
    haha yea im ghetto fab at this point in my life now.
    but u know wat fuck it
    im really high right now
    thanks it fellt soooo good last night lol :confused_2:
  15. Stepbrothers is some funny shit  :smoke:
    haha i just saw that movie last night. i think i like it beter then ricky bobby 2
  17. i guess you dont have a window in the garage because you could try a portable ac unit that you put in a window frame?
    yea thats a good idea.
    i actaully thought about swapping the door with a differnt one and cutting a hole in it for the a/c but i got stuck at if i put the ac unit outside its gona be sticking out looking ghetto
    and if i put it inside, it will be loud and i wouldnt be able to open the door alot
  19. In the summer's hot outside.

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