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Lung Capacity?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by gKush1219, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Well I've been smoking for probably 4-5 months now, and started smoking very regularly about a month ago. For quite a few years now though, I've been a distance runner; I ran all through highschool and now run with a club up at college. Which brings me to my question, for those of you who do extensive amounts of aerobic exercise like me, have you noticed any difference in lung capacity?

    I can't really gauge the extent to which it has effected me, because the past month I've just been laying around at home for the holidays, so I'm out of shape, and I've been smoking quite a bit. But, i can tell a slight difference, however I'm sure it won't be as pronounced once I'm in shape again.
  2. I have, I have proof from my docs, weather its from the mj is not 100% lol, but it was never as good as it is now, on my xrays, they got much bigger lol. The xray tech even commented on how big my lungs were and had to re-take the first pic because they were much bigger!
  3. --I smoke everyday fyi.
    -for medicinal and personal.
  4. Michael phellps he a smoker
  5. i blow breathalyzer tests all day through a calibration machine which is basically a bunch of tubes and liquid. and i have awesome lung capacity. huge bong rips for me :hello:
  6. michael phelps has huge lungs...he can hold his breath for 8 minutes!

    i bet gets like a gram in each hit haha
  7. That'd make a great YouTube video!!! Him trying to clear 1/8 in one hit or something. :hello::smoke:
  8. watch super high me the guy smoked all day every day constantly and his lung capicity went down by 3%
  9. its because he is too lazy to put out the extra 25% of effort left in him.:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:

  10. motherfucker never inhales.
  11. Check out Ed Rosenthal, Federal MMJ patient. His went up too I believe.
  12. woooow... im... lol whoa.. not ed... frick whats his name...
  13. Irv Rosenenfeld! lol sorry guys.

    --I hope you can see the confusion I tripped up on.. wont happen again >.<

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