i know i have read it here but been unable to locate, please inform me of min-max lumens /ft please and thanks in advance
I'm guessing that the minimum is between 2500-4000 psf. Lower for indicas and higher for sativas. It's probably hard to find a maximum...by then I'd be more worried about too much heat.
3500 lumens is the min and 15,000 lumens is the max and this light is achieved without heat!! check out www.envirolites.com and go to the advatage button. these light are CFL's and work great!
Lumen A unit of measurement of the total flow of light which is emitted continually from a source. One lumen is equal to the flow of light which is emitted from a very small wax candle. The common 40 Watt incandescent bulb emits some 400 lm (lumen). So the efficiency of that bulb is 400lm/40Watt= 10 lm/watt. LUX = lm/m2, the intensity of light which falls on a surface. Colour Temperature - measured in degrees Kelvin, the color of a light's output in relationship to the degree of heat applied to produce the specified colour of light. Daylight is measured around 5000 degrees kelvin Light Requirements of "High Energy" Plants 1000 - 5000 lux Min. necessary for life 10000 - 15000 lux Min. necessary for consistent but sparse growth 20000 - 25000 lux Min. necessary for robust growth 25000 - 30000 lux Max. Efficiency for Sub Tropical varieties 25000 - 50000 lux Max. Efficiency for Equatorial varieties this help any? Basicaly you want a minimum of 3000 lm per sq ft,or 50w per sq ft,,,,real hard to reach solarization levels indoors...or outdoors unless you are at high altitudes...
great information, thanks. check out www.envirolites.com and see their information. they tell me if we had an area of 3 ft in diamater one light of 95watt CFL without their reflector would provide 10,000 lum which would be sufficinet for good growth.
great information, thanks. check out www.envirolites.com and see their information. they tell me if we had an area of 3 ft in diamater one light of 95watt CFL without their reflector would provide 10,000 lum which would be sufficinet for good growth. Does that make sense to you?