Lucid Dreamers

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by stunnedsensless, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. I actually had a quite vivid dream last night haha. It scared the shit out of me too cuz I was conciously aware of stuff like running and exploring my environment. Very trippy
  2. #3 *guest, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
    I don't think I'm able to really control what happens in my dreams so far, but I'm almost always fully aware of the fact that I'm dreaming.

    Sometimes I'll be having a really crazy dream, and I'll think to myself "I gotta remember this when I wake up because this is some trippy shit." :p

    When I was a really little kid (I don't know how old, probably between 4-7), I kept having this really weird nightmare and I ran up to my dad all scared one night. He told me "just keep telling yourself 'it's only a dream, it's only a dream'"
    I went back to sleep and had the same nightmare, but this time you know the way text scrolls up the screen during movie credits? In the background of my dream there was text scrolling upwards that just said "It's only a dream" over and over.
    Weird, right? ;)
  3. I am a frequent lucid dreamer. I have dreams all the time where theres people after me and guns kind of just show up in my hand and I just go ballistic on the people that never seem to die.
  4. ^^ dude thats awesome :eek:
  5. on the rare occasion i have lucid dreams, and when it happens it pretty damn awesome. i usually remember my dreams pretty vividly each night, but theyre usually just so realistic that its hard to recognize that i am dreaming. lucid dreaming is definitely the shit though
  6. Its weird though because I can control the guns but it feels like The Matrix its kind of like "jacking in." You can train your mind to lucid dream though.
  7. i havent had one yet, but when i do i'm def gonna line up 5 hot ass babes and fuck their brains out

  8. THIS!!!

    Every night I write down my dreams, to learn to look for signs so that I can realize I am dreaming and learn to change and control things...

    But everytime I'm dreaming, even if it's something completely implausible it seems normal?..... :confused: That is, until I wake up
  9. I use to once I was young. Almost every dream I could control. But now dreams are like uhhh.. Hard to explain, its just like turning through a book. Constant images but no motion or very minimal.

  10. this is as far as i can get
  11. ya lucid dreaming it fucking mind blowing. i have read stories of somebody dreaming that they are with a close friend and they will go on an adventure or something.

    next day the person will call their friend and say "hey i had this awesome dream where we battled ninja toads on an asteroid field" and the friend would say that he had the exact dream. they fucking shared a dream!?

    now i dont know if its true but if it was, that would open whole new doors.
  12. I cant lucid dream at will, but I when I was into it and practiced alot. I took some melatonin and some african dream root i think its called.. Anyways I ended up astral projecting and having a very incredible OBE. Literally could watch myself asleep and float around my house.

    Lucid dreamers having trouble should try this or a large dose of melatonin. Silene capensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  13. I'm currently in the process of learning to lucid dream, or trying at least. Have a dream journal and all that, still haven't had a lucid dream but I'm going to keep trying.
  14. I had a dream last night I got in a conflict with my next door neighbor and he shot me a couple times but I managed to escape. But I could actually feel the pain and all I could think about was my family. Then his wife found me hiding and unloaded the whole clip in me, I could feel every bullet hit me, it seemed so real. Then I remember lying there hopeless trying to stay alive then I came to peace with myself and accepted my death. Then I felt a really strong body sensation that abruptly woke me up
  15. I always fly around once I learn I'm dreaming. :laughing:

    I used to lucid dream a lot more when I was younger. Not so much anymore.

    edit: To poster above me, I'm with ya. I feel like anytime I get shot or stabbed I can feel it.
  16. I've recently receieved a prescription for oxycodone to help ease the pain of my near shattered tibia and fibula and have been experiencing immensely lucid dreams at night time. Dreams in which I am in a conscious state of control over my entire dream. It's very cool, also something I've been practicing, along with astral projection. You guys should check out some techniques to help you become and stay lucid during dreaming. It really is an experience like no other.

  17. This made me laugh uncontrolably. :D

    Godbless dream logic. :cool:
  18. I had a pretty good LD last night, even had an OBE in it (although probably not real). You forget how real LDs seem after not having them for a while. Wow.
  19. ive been lucid dreaming almost every day this week. ive noticed that my dream sign is my brother with a shrunken head and mirrors for ears. when i see that i know that im dreaming. there on out i do anything i want.:cool:

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