(LST Plant) To Flower Or Not To Flower - That is the question...

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dokholidae, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Hello forumers,

    I could use your input. These photos I'm going to demonstrate below is my current plant, and I'm wondering whether I should initiate flowering now (switch from 24/0 to 12/12) or whether I should wait a bit.

    The reason why I ask is because when reading LST guides, it suggests making the main stalk go in a circle by tying down the main stalk as it grows. Right now, my main stalk is bent down, and only grew in one direction (and slightly bent to the right, but not by much). Even though I'll like to complete the circle, I'm afraid my plant is getting very bushy, so I was wondering if I could get your inputs on whether to start flowering now or wait a bit longer. This plant has been in vegetation for nearly three weeks now, and I'm thinking of giving it one more week before starting flowering.

    See photos:





    By the way, I intend this to be my final pot too (no more transplants).
  2. I've decided - since the pre-flowers are starting to emerge, I'll take it all the way to its fully mature "pre-flower" which is approx. a week (as aforementioned in first post) to two weeks. Once I'm satisfied with it's growth and determining it's female, I'll just switch to flowering.

    That means it probably will not complete the "circle" in LST techniques, but I think I'm doing a fine job anyway.

    Thanks to you guys for your help. ;-)
  3. There is absolutely no magic in the circle idea, or any other shape. LST simply means training the plant to grow horizontally and fill out a space. A circular pattern is more systematic, but the plant is gonna do its own thing and if it's getting filled out for you then all is good. Zigzags, switchbacks, diagonals, let her go crazy, whatever gets a new top to an open spot in the canopy.

    Keep in mind that as you flower it will continue to grow, and you can continue to LST to control height and get light to those secondary budsites. You may get to complete that circle yet.

    BTW, are you sure its pre-flowers you're seeing, not just secondary new growth?
  4. Thanks for the explanation! I'm relieved that I'm doing nothing wrong now. :hello:

    I'm now more confident to just let it veg some more regardless of shape the main stem goes to, before inducing flowering soon.

    As for the pre-flowers, there're definitely some growth in-between the nodes and I don't think they are leaves. The growth is taking place that is using the stem's color, so I know it's not an offshoot (so far). They're very immature, though - so that's why I decided to wait a week or two, then roll from there. So yes, you could be right - new growth. I've grown before once, so I kind of can tell it's not a leaf shoot, but time will affirm.
  5. #5 Recluse420, Feb 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2009

    I love reading your posts, thank you for being born. Oh and to the OP try using pipe cleaners I think you will enjoy them much more then ANYTHING you might find. Piper cleaners for the win!
  6. You think so?

    I take it it's for tying down plants. I like using dental floss, it's a wondrous substance. I mean, we use it for our teeth, but there's so much thread inside, it's practically multipurpose!
  7. #7 toastybiz, Feb 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2009
    I'll tell my mother you said so.

    Thanks man, we're all here to share knowledge, there's always more to learn.

    And yes I too have found pipe cleaners to be the easiest way to LST. As the plant grows you have to re-adjust your tie-downs, and actually untying and re-tying knots is a pain in the bud. I have holes drilled all the way around to top of my pots so that I have ready-made anchor points, then I just fish a pipe cleaner through the hole and a few quick bends holds the branch where I want in just few seconds, adjustments are just as easy.

    But...just like there is no magic to the shape, there is no magic to what you use for your tie-downs. These are all just details -- the key is tying down the plant in whatever way works.

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