LSD Trip inspired wallpaper.

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by ChillnSmoke, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. In dedication to acid!

  2. The image from my sig is in there :)
  3. dude. im high and that is tight.

    very tallented man
  4. welcome to my cell phone backround
  5. That's what you got for your cell background? Sweet, like which pic?
  6. Funny that I had White Rabbit playing when I clicked this page, lol.
  7. i sorta expected literal wallpaper

    but this is cool
  8. Thats awesome man nicely done! +rep:smoke:

  9. I captured the image at an angle so i have some swirls and patterns on the left with the mad hatter jackel looking fellow on the right.

    Nicely done sir:)
  10. great picture.
    i really like the old man that seems to be tripping.

  11. Thats the mad hatter from alice in wonderland.

  12. High and tight epic:smoke:
  13. Oh, riiight haha.
  14. love the blotter :)
    lsd ftw

  15. thats the mad hatter. seriously, you didnt know that?
  16. i would love that wall paper...

    but thats a tight image right there, i like the fractal colors
  17. Acid is great...

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