
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Blzn420, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. I have an option of growing this year outdoors on some land my friend has that never gets used in the boonies.. I wanted to get some lowryder autoflowering plants and i was wondering if this would be a good idea. It seems to be a simple quick plan. It wont give me huge yeilds but im sure it would give me enough to smoke on for a while. Anyone have experience with this or have any opinions?
  2. theres really not alota outdoor lowryder grows.. most ppl use them for indoors...
    but to answer your question yes you can use lowryders there a few of us that are gonna do lowryder grows outdoors this year to see exactly how well they work... but personally i wouldnt expect more then 14 grams a plant.... you should prob plant a few regular plants. i wouldn't make the lowryders my only plants
  3. Yeah what he said.

    Im gonna try some diesel ryder this year. though the stealth and timing is great, the yield compared to a full sized normal strain, is just uncomparable.

    You can easily get a pound off a good mother , where as your expecting 14 g's a plant with lowryders.

    So you could try um, but id put some normal ones out there too. Seeing that its out in the boonies and all:D
  4. I pissed on a goat while it was chained to its' fence.

    Lowryder's are no good. Go with a real strain.

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