Love from Chicago

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Stoned Granny, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. :wave:Hi! I am Stoned Granny from Chicago! I never heard of this web-site until I started searching for assistance in passing a drug-test! HA First drug test I ever have had to take... you guessed it, I didn't pass!:mad: Alas, I am a child of the 60's and have enjoyed this delightful herb for over FOUR DECADES... needless to say all the THC buildup wasn't going away in 30 days, even with a rigorous detox and flush assistance! Oh well, soldier on... I have my synthetic urine for next time, don't have to stop smoking (AMEN) and feel confident that piss will pass. So chronic smokers beware.... excuse me as I partake ... ahhhhhh, Those 30 days were truly the WORSE days of my life :cry: had no clue I would go through such withdrawal from such a cute lil plant! I smoked with my granny, smoke with 2 of my 3 children (damn, one of them had to turn out like their daddy... lol) and toke with my oldest grandson (he's over 21)... I guess it's become a FAMILY tradition! LMAO Enjoying some very tasty Orange Kush at the moment and have such a pleasant buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Peace out my fellow stoners, it is a delight to make your acquaintance, may the cherished cannabis bud 4ever remain your friend! Love to ya all...:smoke:
  2. Very cool. Sorry to hear about those 30 days and the failed test though.. Ive heard good things about synthetic urine but ive heard results vary by brand..

    I wish my family smoked, or at least didnt despise it.. To each his own i suppose!

    Anyway, welcome.. Enjoy your stay!

    PS; I also found this site while searching for how to pass a drug test and I'm still here a year later
  3. Hey. Welcome to GC! sorry to hear about you not passing your test.

    I've used detox drinks in the past, I'm a heavy long time user, and I've always passed. only had one time when the test cant back deluded/inconclusive. But I guess it's up to the each individual person.

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