Lost -Rambling-

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TrillBro, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. I'm still in HighSchool but recently i've seen huge changes in my life. I can't even tell you why it changed or the turning point. But all of the sudden i got very interested into spiritual shit, and thinking deeper. I've always grown up a loner but with the popular "crew" even though i've never got along with them i just always seem to be in the same places. I could go on forever about my past and some things in my life that i think could be a reason of why i am changing now. But anyways i'm a huge rebel, for some reason i love to be the exact opposite of everyone, friends, family, ect. It was becoming very evident when i started to smoke pot and i live with some very very strict parents. i argued every day with them about pot, or just anything because i love to argue. I've been in alot of trouble with my parents recently with pot they even took me to Rehab because they were scared of my killing myself and smoking haha. it's absolutely crazy. But back to the main point i heard about the "3rd eye" (Pineal Gland) and DMT from Joe Rogan. For the past 6 months I've been hooked on expanding my knowledge on anything. I'm eating better and trying to decalcify my pineal gland because i'm crazy about lucid dreaming and astral projecting. I just want to know if anyone else is like me, i feel like i can never relate with anyone in my area, no one has common instrest as me they just want to go party and get drunk and talk about drama . SORRY for the shittiest grammar ever

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