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Loose Lips sink ships

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lonew0lf420, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. There are alot of loose lips in my area due to a few people who knew what I was doing and now others know. What advise can you give me?? Should I lay low for a few days? I am gonna buy a disposable cell phone, and I ride my skateboard to meet with people....Any other precautionary measures that I should be taking?
  2. don't be a drug dealer?
  3. Thats some OG shit
  4. "You on the Tony Hawk deck with the green griptape, pull over." Yeah right, that'll never happen. :) Riding a skateboard to a deal... That's so sexy man. I couldn't come up with another word for it so yeah, that is pretty sexy. Lol.

  5. Well I assume it would be safer then in a car
  6. Only deal to people you trust and the people they vouch for.

    If you can be more specific about your position, itd be easier to help. Like, are the cops looking for you? Did someone snitch?

    Try and appear more threatening, maybe people wont fuck with you. Do something crazy. And post pics.
  7. Buy some brass knuckles, bring em with you every time and like he said ^ appear intimidating.
  8. what the fuck are you talking about? unless you deal in pounds then there should be no worries of being caught...
  9. #9 Batmanchu, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2012
    Or just stop dealing.

    Money is not worth your butthole becoming more than an exit.
  10. oh god what

  11. Yours is only an entrance?

    My suggestion is OP - Stop dealing with kids. Move up to adults that understand the value of being discreet.

  12. [​IMG]

  13. If you really think about it, poop has top come from somewhere. One end is an entrance, another is an exit.

  14. so what you're trying to say is that your asshole is an entrance?
  15. [quote name='"Froz3n"']

    so what you're trying to say is that your asshole is an entrance?[/quote]

    Poop has to go into your butt to come out your butt
  16. [quote name='"Batmanchu"']

    Poop has to go into your butt to come out your butt[/quote]

    You wut m8?
  17. [quote name='"Batmanchu"']

    Poop has to go into your butt to come out your butt[/quote]

    Lol wut?
  18. It appears someone made a typo and tried to run with it..

    Or his butt is really an entrance.
  19. #19 DasBooze, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2012
    Don't deal to people you don't know, if you don't already abide by that rule. Also, don't save numbers in your phone, especially if it's your regular cell that you use for general purposes.

    But yeah cars are a bit suspicious, I mean I myself would even question why someone would get in a car, shake hands with someone and then get right back out, even though I already know what's goin on hahaha.

    Ohh and this is gonna sound really bad but, don't deal to black people. I know, I know, that sounds extremely racist but to tell ya the truth everytime my friend has ever been robbed it was by negroes, and ever since he stopped dealing to them all together he has never been robbed. Of course, that doesn't include your black buddies, but even then I wouldn't deal to their friends.
  20. What i do is i change the meet location in the last minute everytime that way i can see whats comeing at me. You meet them not them meet you, unless it is a trusted indvidual then you dont have to worry as much.

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