Looking for feed back

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by gasman109, Jul 6, 2017.

  1. I have 3 plants 1 feminized blueberry and 1 fem northern lights. The bigger plant is a bag seed I'm using for practice while waiting for the other seeds. Just looking for some feed back on my progress. It is 16 days old. [ATTAC=full]2321578[/ATTAC IMG_3961.JPG IMG_3963.JPG
  2. Going to need more light and and a better soil
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  3. I have 3 healthy plants growing under a 150watt hps. I think one of them is a male though. You will definitely need more lighting and what are you doing for ventalation? I havr a simple rotating fan for mine, also I recommend ocean forest fox farm soil. Other wise they look pretty healthy. If you get the chance check out my post. Had a drug test today worried about results!
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  4. agreed the soil looks caked and dense and the plant is lime green and droopy ..signs of overwatering and the wrong ph . test the runoff and transplant to a bigger pot with medium designated for growing pot. and flush this one with 1/4 strength nutes until you see it catch up.
    But don't water log the soil.

    Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
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