Looking for Bill Gates

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Reinstate Mary, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. How would I get In contact with Bill. I sent an email to billg@microsoft.com but I'm just wondering if there are any other ways that people have heard of getting in contact with him.
  2. Go knock on his door. He's the second biggest house on Mercer Island because Paul Allen thought it would be funny to build a bigger house next door to his.
  3. paul allen from american psycho? hehe, just saw it last night.

    op, yellow page that shit :p
  4. Get in touch with his PR I geuss... Why you looking for bill gates anyway?
  5. I got great Ideas about helping people, and I'm down for the cause.
  6. #6 JackHandy420, Feb 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2009

    You need to contact the Bill and Milinda Gates Foundation. They have a lot of specific requirements that have to be met in order to support a project. One of the main requirements is that they will only support projects that address root causes of issues. Meaning Bill will not give money to treat sick kids in hospitals dieing of AIDS, but he will give money to help develop a vaccine. He wont give food, but will buy tractors etc.

    (206) 709-3100
  7. you sound like the kind of person this world needs
  8. Word. This made my shit. It says they aren't looking to give the grants out at the moment, but If what you say is how it goes then I would think he would grant me the funds to add the much needed moment that my ideas need.

    Btw, Still no reply from that email address so, for any one else that might try to contact him via the email that I said I used, it's not looking like thats the email to choose.

    Is the number a known and reliable way to reach them?

    Thanks man.
  9. Now.

    After peoples help, it would seem that money is supreem.

  10. Yeah, let me know if you get in touch with that mo-fo....

    He still owes me 20 dollars

    ...................fuckin Bill Gates
  11. Yeah, you jump on the team and I'll holla at you.
  12. Ya, it should be good. I'm guessing Bill has a super secret e-mail, or else he would get thousands of e-mails a day.
  13. im suprised im the first to ask, but what are your plans?
  14. #14 Reinstate Mary, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2009

    I want to feed the world.

    Set up green houses and install hydropoinc systems throught out the world. Aslo installing wells and what not so people can get clean water.

    But First I want to set up a huge grow operation station as a base camp where food is grown by the ton.

    then Have boats and cars that run off of renewable energy(i have other ideas that are aslo cost effictive on this as well) so that the food can be shiped and sent where ever its needed. I know that there are countrys that will take these and sell it too the people but I want to just be able to give it strait to the people so thats the need for the boats and cars.

    And then where the food is brought a green house and hydroponic set up will be made as well.
  15. #15 Jakigi, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2009
    No lie, I had the same idea. I imagined a shortened dome-like green house with a diameter of 20 feet or so. The majority of the exterior walls made of glass. If a combination of exterior lighting and well-placed interior lighting was put in use, it could produce a year-round crop.

    The problem, I think, is fresh water. Most of these countries you speak of don't even have access to clean water. They do have an abundance of exterior lighting.

    I think desalinization plants need to be developed, and would be a greater priority than food. Their land would have greater potential for farming, if they had access to water. The problem is money.... desalinization plants already exist, but no one wants to pay for them to help these countries out. That, and corporate farming giants leaching the wealth and work from the little guys, eliminating the incentive for independent farming even when the opportunity is there.

    I think it is a combination of a lot of problems...

  16. Yeah. so does that make you a team member?
  17. Sign me up.
  18. Im sure many many people have thought of the same idea,
  19. True... At least he's trying. It's easier to critique others than it is to come up with an idea of your own. Basically, your comment is more worthless than his post.
  20. #20 Reinstate Mary, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2009

    Not that you would be insinuating that my post is worthless;).

    But yeah man, I really want to have critiques and what not, the plan is not set in stone for many reasons, and still with many great ideas their is still room for error.

    And just because someone chooses not to come up with an idea that is a proponent of the idea does not mean that it can't help the idea grow and become stronger.

    I would really like to get a greater plan going on, now that there is a team formulating.:)

    I must say tho that I do love the haters because even if they don't quite have anything substantial to add to really anything I still absorb the hate and I return an equal and opposite idea back. I really like to be called wrong by people who have reasons for me being wrong. However I care not for arbitrary banter tho is sometimes serves a purpose.

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