So I've just recently gotten into concentrates and whatnot, and I have a dome that fits my Illadelph, but that monster is wayy to big for nice dabs. So in the meantime I've been using my roommates HiSi, but I'm in the market for a small piece of my own. I like the Toro macros, but of course they're rather expensive for what you're getting. So my question is: what would be the best small piece for functionality and price? Keep in mind that I haven't made the complete switch to oil and I'll still be using it for buds, but other than that, I'm open to pretty much any suggestions. So let me hear your opinions, from name brand to local blowers and let's see if we can find me a new piece!
It's pretty nice. For oils, you don't really need any diffusion at all so I wouldn't worry about a smooth hit too much. Goto your lhs and pick out a small piece with minimal diffusion and plop on your dome. If money is no object though, there are some intense little pieces all over the web. Good luck!
Yo check these out man. Im a glassblower from washington state. All these have diffused down stems 4-6 holes! I can do custom work too!!! Email me for more info man!!! Fair prices too!
It wouldnt^ don't listen to that lol. An lmao herb iron has almost no practicality. It's got a ten foot cord that must constantly be plugged in. You can take your dab gear anywhere. I love to dab outside haha
Check out titanium ladles from DWB, really simplifies the nail/dome setup. And maybe ask around at a LHS for local blowers that can make an errl rig.
Haha thanks, I didn't think so. But I love burning outside too As for the ladles, pure innovation. Basically turn any piece into an oil piece with just one piece of metal. My only concern would be that the whole thing would get warm when heating it, but it didn't look to be an issue in the video I watched. Any idea how much they cost?
Yeah, I just noticed that the video he posted isn't very old. Very cool though, and that's great to hear, I'll definitely be looking to get one!
[quote name='"thezigzagkid"']I already have a Ti nail, but thanks. And how would an herb iron replace a nail in an oil rig?[/quote] didn't think herb irons got hot enough for concentrates.
my oil piece is able to drop a nail down through the top and hit the oil.... so instead i use the herb iron. That way i dont need a torch and a nail and a place to set the nail right after... it just became much more simple. Press a button, end gets super fucking hot, then i drop it in the oil and bammo. And i dont carry my glass oil rig outside to do hits like the other use said. (lol???) so finding an outlet in my modern house isnt really a hassle ( again lol??)
Ya, I enjoy being outside, but I know a lot of people that are fine staying inside all day. To each his own I guess. But there is no way a dab in my room can compare to a dab after a three hour hike up to a super sweet vantage point of my city. On top of that(lol!!!), I've never seen an herb Iron work as well as a skillet or dome to dab(really???)
ill have to post a milk shot video of what how im using it.. If i smoke outside, i roll a joint. I dont carry an oilrig on 3 hour hikes. Sounds like a good way to break glass.
[quote name='"noviceGrower420"']ill have to post a milk shot video of what how im using it.. If i smoke outside, i roll a joint. I dont carry an oilrig on 3 hour hikes. Sounds like a good way to break glass.[/quote] More hard walks then hikes. But I got some super padded bags and only need to bring out a few items to dab. Weed star j hook 20$ Vapor dome and ti nail 80$ ti nail won't break, dome is very durable. Creme brûlée torch10$ won't break, wouldn't care if it did. 18mm/14mm adapter 10$ very durable. Goodabber 10$ won't break. Bottle of ice water free$ and allows me to hydrate while outside.