Looking for a good organic soil recipe??

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Leeaustin, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. Hello im just starting my first grow op in an extra bedroom, I'm using 2 150 watt hps bulbs, I've already germinated and sprouted 8 seedlings. It's a small operation and I'd like to keep it that way, right now I'm just using some organic soil I found at wal mart but I know I need to upgrade my soil with the propor nutrients for my plants. If anyone has any recipes that worked for them, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Lee austin:D
  2. #2 Watermelon111, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    (Organic)Peatmoss compost cococoir verm perilite sand(Organic)
  3. blood meal and bone meal , worm castings
  4. You should Google: "Subcools Super Soil"

    Many people like that recipe :)

    I use a variation of it personally but all in all it is a damn good recipe.
  5. And double up on soil areation ammendments. A minimum of 30% by volume, arguably 40%. When the soil compacts, which it most certainly will, it can impede young root growth. The roots will grow to the extent allowed by either a) the container they reside in, or b) the density of the growing medium. Light, airy, porous, loamy. That's the ticket.
  6. I use roots organic as my main organic soil,wormcastings, perlite, and promix.

    30% organic soil (I use roots organic, a wallmart brand could use some ammendments)
    30%promix (peat based good for roots and contains 25-30% perlite) (30% promix will contain 10% perlite already.
    30% perlite

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