Looking for a crazy creative way to ask my girl to our prom

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ratherdashing, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. Im looking for a crazy creative way to ask my girl to the prom. (i know its a while away). i had 2 ideas, either to write her a song, put it on a cd, and label it with the questions. Or... me and her smoke hella weed together, so i was gonna write it on a joint or a blunt
  2. Graffiti is the most romantic way of any proposal.

    It's creative and a misdemeanor!

    P.S. -- never say 'hella'
  3. write it in blood across her bedroom walls?


    edit, i guess i could be a little more productive. if she is a big stoner that blunt idea sounds wicked. :D
  4. Dude, i just thought of one. If you make little filters for your joints, you should write the question on the filter before you roll it up. then when the joint is a roach, unroll it and let her see it.:D

  5. Gee..I don't see how she could say no to that :rolleyes:
  6. so much tackiness in here
  7. Alright, you should just go up to her and be like, "yo girl, you, me, prom. That's whats good." Then you dont even have to ask, just tell her what's gona happen.

  8. This.
  9. All these "creative" ways just seem like ways to put more pressure on her to say yes. Just ask her
  10. When I asked the girl I was goin with to prom, all I did was write on the back of her car with that stuff that comes off easy (its meant to be for cars). Not anything creative by any means, but it got the job done.

    ---- the same girl I asked was asked in front of class by this guy, and she had to say yes since everybody was looking at her.. but then she told him no and went with me haha. Anyways, moral of the story is don't ask her in front of a bunch of people if you don't know if she will say yes or not. It doesn't really matter how creative it is, they just want a date to prom...
  11. If you guys are sexually active then at one point whip your dick out with "Prom?" written on it with sharpie. Make sure it's not permanent though, I learned the hard way.
  12. I agree 100%! I can't believe the immaturity I see on this forum.

    ...and to answer the OP, why don't you tattoo it on your dick? :D;)

  13. Because my sharpie idea is less painful.
  14. Godammit, you posted while I was writing my reply LoL.
  15. This is your only option OP.
  16. Go to an IMAX theater and rent out one of the theaters for 2 hours. Disguise the theater as a humble dining establishment near the edge of town, making sure to completely hide the fact that there is a giant IMAX screen in the room.

    During polite dinner conversation (you will also have to hire a small catering staff to keep up the illusion), bring up the topic of love. As you quaintly discuss each others ideal partners, suddenly leap onto the table and proclaim "RELEASE THE RIVER!"


    Immediately, cue your partner in the film room who will begin playing the scene from LOTR 2 where the ents break the dam and Isengard gets drowned in water. The epicness of the scene, combined with the powerful orchestrations and moving camera angles will throw your lover into an uncontrollable fit of passion. At this point, you turn to her and say "Be my ent, unleash the torrents of my love. Go to prom with me."
  17. If she's your girl then isn't it implied? :confused:
  18. Get 1st row tickets to a Pro basketball game, and rent a message on the bulletin board/score-board for half time asking her to the prom....oh and be sure it is televised...;)

  19. OKokok so you were mature enough to be sexually active, but you brought a permenant marker to your dick and wrote on it.

    .... hahahaha
  20. I don't know where you got this but if you just made it up then...


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