Look At My Munchies :)

Discussion in 'General' started by AleR, May 24, 2013.

  1. Went shopping for munchies and my total happened to be 4.20
  2. Bruh that's happened to me maybe once in my life so far bruh. You know that's somethin when it happen doe :bongin:
  3. did good fortune come after that happened to you?
  4. You should play those numbers, then roll a fatty with the ticket and smoke it. I bet you win the weed lottery and it starts raining buds :bongin:
    That shit will have my teeth all fucked up. I stick to organic fruits. Or chocolateMmmMM
  6. Heh [: perfect.
  7. JACKPOT!!! in a perfect world, the change slot would have started a cascade of "popcorn" mid nuggets. and lights and music would go off Vegas style. 
  9. 'Iced  Cookes' - lol :p
  10. That shit looks so bad for you haha
    That being said, I need to make fast food less of a frequent meal filler. :smoking:
  11. I can see it now ^o^
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  12. You need to save that ticket. Frame it a put it in your stash box or something.
  13. #16 SwichOne, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    You went all the way into a Wal-Mart for some sour patch kids and sugar cookies.....?

    Not worth it to me.....Nope!
  14. happens when i go to taco bell....which isnt very often
    i usually by too much stuff from the grocery store for it to ever equal $4.20
  15. I went to Starbucks on 4/20 and my order came to $4.20. The barista chick and I had a good chuckle.
  16. Me and my friends used to get this at Wendy's all the time back in the day. With the 99c value menu and $.06 tax in Florida you could order four items and it would always come out to $4.20.  :bongin:
  17. it was 2 am LOL there was few people.

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