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Long-Term Immune System Effects

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Scared Smoker, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. #1 Scared Smoker, Feb 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2009
    Hello GC. To start things off, I LOVE weed. It's relaxing, and makes everything I always do enjoyable. With that being said, I have been smoking weed for the past 3 years daily. When I say daily, I mean there have been maybe 3 or 4 days per year that I did not blaze up. At the time I didn't realize the negative effects it had on me.

    Of the 3 years that I've been blazing, I didn't get sick once. I never had the common cold, no strep throat, no fevers, NOTHING. I never got sick.

    I recently secured a new job, which is giving me a good reason to stop smoking for a little while.

    I have been slowly declining my use (I used to do it 3 or 4 times a day), and around Jan 15, I've limited my use to just once a week.

    Since the time where I have been smoking only once a week, I've gotten sick with 3 different viruses. This is kind of scaring me, and I'm hoping that it's just a coincidence that I stopped blazing around that time. I can't be getting sick for two or three days almost every week!!! I just hope that my daily use hasn't had long-term effects on my immune systems ability to fight off infections. I've looked around on the internet and am now realizing that is one of the drawbacks of habitual marijuana use.

    Do any other seasoned tokers notice any health issues when they stop blazing for periods of time?
  2. It's the smoke. Cigarette smokers also tend to get sick more often. You could try vaping or baking weed instead if it is that big of a deal.
  3. Not for me. Ever since i started smoking, my immune system has kicked virus ass :smoke:
  4. From September to December I blazed everyday. I stopped in mid December because I wanted to get through exams sober. I started coughing and sneezing more. Maybe it was the weather, maybe not. I haven't smoked in 3 weeks since today but I'm not sick.

    It's just a weird thing.

    Marijuana actually bolsters your immune system [citation needed]
  5. Meditation-like states of low stress and "mindfulness" have been proven to boost immune system; content, appreciative, emotionally conscious people get sick less.
  6. I've noticed the same thing that if I'm on a T Break, I'm ALWAYS sick. But when I am smoking regularly (2-5x daily), I don't get sick either. I stopped smoking last winter in like Nov. and was sick for 3 of the next 4 months till I got back on the herb.

    It makes sense the whole lower stress because of smoking herb, leading to stronger immune system. But then again what the hell do I know, I'm just a stoner. :confused:
  7. i've had a cold now for a week from sharing a bowl with one of my friends who had a cold. but he didnt mention it to me til we already started smoking. a hole
  8. If you make the connection between being high and being healthy, your mind will do the rest
  9. most likely just stress related.
  10. reduced stress or since the smoke is killin our lungs it also might be killin whatever germs are in there to lol
  11. Shit man you smokin too much? I toke daily and my lungs are fine(i run everyday)

    Anyway man, its all in your mind, weed doesn't have a negative effect on the immune system.

    But if you make the connection between being healthy and high, you will be.
  12. weed actually doesnt effect your longs bad and because people dont smoke a pack amount of weed liks cigs. and bong is even better as the temperature of the smoke doesnt damage your tract on the way to your lungs.

    if you watch super high me the doctor tells the main guy that he has NO permenant damage that he can see. he smoked everyday for 4 years...
  13. I actually have been smoking for about 6 years now and in the past 3 years I have only had a cold once. I really dont get sick at all. Maybe it is just my genes but w/e.
  14. Some people on here are just not that educated. The fact is, is that weed when smoked causes toxins to enter your lungs. Part of the feeling of being high is your bodies immune system fighting off the toxins in your system. This may seem bad but it really isn't that harmful short term. The fact that you are getting sick when taking a break from smoking in simply a case of mind over body. your mind/brain and your immune system are used to fighting off the toxins daily, and then your body is kind of thrown out of wack when you take the break , making it easier for viruses and other bacteria, etc. to make you sick. Also most of it is due to the fact that once you think that you get sick when you are not high, that will increase your chances as well. The mind is a powerful tool.

    Dont worry though, just smoke a bowl and you'll be all good


    -Ghost Dog
  15. it was actually 17 years of heavy smoking and he was absolutely fine he actually scored higher on the SAT when he was baked then when he was sober:smoke:

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