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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tfl88, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. I'm going to London over Christmas, and I was wondering were the best place to score dank is. Thanks everyone :smoke:
  2. ehhh tourist-street shopping for weed isn't the smartest idea for many reasons, dude not worth it; heh unless a blade here met you

    edit; yeah you should just 'meet a fellow blade'
  3. Whats so bad about buying in london though?
  4. dude london has a huge amount of street dealers or people able to hook you up, just ask a likely looking person, or take a walk through camden. or go for a wander round soho, you will definitely score something.
  5. Thanks for the help man. Will people just openly ask if you want nug like in Mexico, or do you need to ask a sketchy looking person? lmao

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