Lol my 2 friends funny cop/helicopter story

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by rippin-tubes, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. so a couple of days ago some kid got busted with 5 MASSIVE plants growing in his backyard, i guess someone ratted him out:mad:. so as a result the cops came with thier heli's.... but all this was unknown to my buddies, who saw a few helicopters and thought they were coming for them and thier plants and naturally started FREAKING out. i mean they started running around like psychos trying to load all these plants into thier car (i have no fucking idea what they were planning to do), cut some down, rip some down throw all growing supplies into the car in garbage bags... then i guess it was time to leave and the one guy we'll call "jim" says "well arnt you gonna shut the trunk?" and procedes to slam it shut, but oops! the keys are in there!!!! so now the cops are nearby and they have a fully loaded grow car parked in the driveway with the keys locked in it. well the other guy "scott" RUNS inside and gets a key he belives to be the spare and comes out and snaps that bitch off in the door!:hello::eek:. these guys were losing thier shit!! but soon after that the helicopters went away and all was calm... i guess :metal: what a couple of goobers...:hide: lol
  2. LMAO....Thats gotta be the high light of my day....Maybe they were more scared of being raped then the cops.
  3. hope their girls pull through
  4. potheads ^^
  5. Fucking STONERS hahahahaha
  6. apparently when they are so fucking big that the guy is getting charged with a felony:mad: yikes:hide:
  7. isnt growing gonna be a felony pretty much anywhere?
  8. lmfao that sucks for your friends LOL... Shoulda just chilled out... It most likely wasn't a big grow op .. But shit - I'd be sketched out too if I was growing and I saw a helicopter... Even if I knew they weren't coming for me...

    Yes, growing is a felony and high class felonies in certain states :(
  9. nah, not really. there was a pair of guys that got caught a few years ago with roughly 40 plants and all they got is probation. im not sure why they are fucking this guy so bad, i guess the deal is the plants had multiple pounds on em so they are saying its no tfor personal use......

  10. Looks like they did this time wouldnt you say?

  11. Not in CA if you gots the card!:D

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