
Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by budsmokn420, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Does logic exist?

    If so, provide proof that it does.
  2. Proof by Contradiction:

    Let's first suppose that Logic doesn't exist.

    If Logic doesn't exist then if/then statements also do not exist.
  3. You proved it exists by asking the question, because without logic one cannot prove anything. Therefor if you are asking for a proof you are already acknowledging that logic exists.

    Logic is a process not a thing.

  4. Where does logic originate from?

    Also does anything exist outside of logic?
  5. Now you're just asking nonsensical questions. Logic doesn't 'exist' because it's not a thing, and it originates from thought. Prove there is no such thing as logic and the logical process. You can't because in order to prove anything you need to use logic.

    I'm done playing silly sophism games, but enjoy :)
  6. your mind.

    yes, the wind doesn't care about logic.
  7. lol is this a seriousn thread?
  8. Ok now were getting somewhere...

    Logic comes from the mind, yet it isn't a single "thing". Logic is more like a template right? Logic cannot really be meaured because again it doesn't necessarily "exist as one thing"...it isn't finite. So what could we define logic as?

  9. Very serious...answer my questions and let's see what we can find out.
  10. #11 budsmokn420, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2011
    What is considered to be formal and systematic?
  11. Logic is a process, done by the brain. All information you obtain through your senses is then analyzed by your logic. Logic is to properly analyze and store information without bias or prejudice so that it may be presented and reviewed or revised while being a open minded source. That was my definition.

    the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
    a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
    the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.

    Logic | Define Logic at Dictionary.com
  12. "What is considered to be formal and systematic?"

    these words have definitions already, that's why I said your sliding towards trolling. No one wants to rehash words that are already defined so unless you have some new version of them you want us to agree with you on use google. There's enough interesting things in the world so there's no need to rehash things already established without providing something new.
  13. Trolling again Bud? Why not do as we suggest and look at the links provided on logic before dragging out another tortuous thread trying to prove another of your theories. Why not just tell us what you're getting at?

  14. #17 mrgoodsmoke, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2011
    If you mean "proof" in the technical sense, then your question puts the existential status of logic into a state where any description would be incomplete. No set of axioms can be both descriptive of things outside itself, and internally consistent. Right? It's also somewhat begs the question in that there's a logical structure embedded in the syntax of your statement questioning the existence of logic.

    If you're actually thinking logically, and not just 101 logically, then you can only be right in saying that everything exists. Even unicorns and flying spaghetti monsters. The hard part is to categorize them modally such that you can account for the varying epistemic standards that different classes of entities are able to meet.

    Am I high? Am I making any sense here???
  15. If p then q.

    If logic, then yes.

    QED Logic exists.

    That's my formal proof.
  16. The very premise of this thread is a good example of a logical non sequitur :smoking:
  17. Logic is the basis for mathematics which is the basis for anything scientific (chemistry, physics, computer science, etc..).

    Logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Logic is such a bitch though. I had to take a discrete mathematics course last year. All it was is proving things it sucks. Something as simple as 'if x is even and y is even and x + y = z, prove that z is even'.

    Now that one isnt too bad, but its obvious things that you assume are fact, that you have to turn around and show proof. Pretty trippy. I only got a 53 or something shitty though haha Have to repeat it this year.

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