local loccer room guy at old high school raped 2 girls

Discussion in 'General' started by just blaze, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. Heres what i think... The guy that fucked the 2girls was his friend, from wayback.Some random asian guy, that i'm guessing saw them, said he raped the two girls and now his friend is in trouble.so hes gonna go 'roll-ten-deep' on the asian guy, that means kick his ass or shot em i think.
  2. Thats a little more understandable. im still confused though. I hope this guy is "finna" to take some english classes
  3. This is what happens when you try to sound all bad ass no one understands you. Please speak english next time.
  4. shit. I can't find my "Dumbass to English" dictionary.

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