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Littlelisa's no, no, no grow

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by Littlelisa, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. Hey all you GC peoples,
    Thought I'd do a little grow journal.
    I did one 9 years back but didn't finish it due to starting a family. Its titled Fisher price my first scrog by Girlgroweruk78. I totally forgot my login details so made this profile.
    Anyway, I'm calling this one the no no no grow because a few things about it are just no no no. Like having 4 different strains in 1 system.
    I'm a few weeks in since germination and I am experiencing some hiccups.

    I'm using a 4 pot ebb and flow flood and drain with clay pebbles. I have airstones and a water heater in the reservoir. I'm running an air cooled 600w hps light. I'm using BAC nutrients at a low ec of 0.7 with my ph ideally at 6.0. I'm also using silver bullet roots.
    In the system I have a Critical from Royal Queen seeds and I have a Prozac, a Sour diesel and a Channel+ from Medical seeds.

    Germinated in small rockwool blocks with formulex. All went nice. Transplanted into larger blocks and saw roots the following day!

    Transplanted into the system and that's when the problems started.
    I started with an EC of 1.1 and a ph of 6.0 but by day 2 in the tank the ec was 1.3. By the morning of day 3 the EC was 1.4 and by the afternoon it had climbed to a massive 1.5.
    My poor girls had nutrient burn and I was proper upset and confused. Seriously, there was tears.

    I emptied out the tank and refilled with just Ph adjusted water, no nutes at all. EC 0.1 Ph 6.0 and ran that for 24 hours. I then added
    nutes to an EC of 0.7 ph 6.0.
    The next day the same thing but with an added ph increase. God damn it!

    I then decided to take all the pipework off and do a thorough inspection.
    I spent most of the evening taking it apart and checking the pipes and I found they were choc bloc full of bio matter! (I cleaned the system before I started, but obviously not enough)
    So fully cleaned everything (massive job!) and refilled the tank with a weak 0.7 nutrient solution and ph at 6.0.
    Checked it this evening and everything's stable and holding :) I'm going to watch the EC and control my nutes according to wether they rise, fall or stay the same.
    I'm going to bed now but I will update tomorrow with some pics of the girls.
    If you're still reading thanks so much. I would appreciate any advice or tips so feel free :)
    I love what GC and all you guys are doing.
    Peace, unity and love to all
    Stay safe
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  2. Im in Welcome Sister flyer
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  3. Rockwool will kinda mess with PH too, but I think you fixed your problem
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Yeah I checked this morning and my EC is 0.7 and Ph is 6.0 and holding lovely.
    Was definitely a build up of salts and nasties in the pipes.
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  5. Thanks dude. I appreciate the support
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. 20190619_143103.jpg 20190619_143042.jpg 20190619_143051.jpg 20190619_143028.jpg 20190619_143034.jpg So it's nearly 24 hours since I cleaned the system and the levels are still holding nice.
    Thought I'd upload some pics of ma ladys
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  7. 4 different strains isn't a no no. I run atleast that. Why do you think it's not good? Very odd statement
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Hello Lisa.. happy lil plants you have. Killset. its not that its a no no its just very hard to tune into a strain when you have 4 different strains on one res. Plants are finicky and all strains have different preferences in nute level. To tune into a strain you wouldn't want a mixed bag.. But they can grow and be happy with them mixed, ILL tag along Lisa.. What are your ppms?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  9. Hey thanks for the responses.
    I've been busy at the moment so not updated in a while. I'm just going by the same thinking as Master Yoda. Different strains have different nute preferences. I'm actually seeing one of my strains looks like shes way hungrier than the others. All are looking fantastic though so far.
    I'm not sure of what the ppm to ec conversion is but I started in the tank with an ec of 1.1 but got serious overfeed. I dropped it to 0.7 and that sorted it right out. Its held at that up to last night when it had dropped to 0.5. I'm taking this as a sign that they all now want a higher mixture. So I'm going to take it to 0.9, see how it goes.
    Thanks for your input guys its totally appreciated ✌
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  10. Morning Postie
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. Oh and they have tripled in size!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Morning my mate
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  13. That's cool I look forward to checking out your grows and getting some tips
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