My plants were planted a couple weeks apart but I've noticed one doesn't seem to be growing much. I posted earlier about it, thinking it was over watering, but the yellow spots have spread and grown. The stem is also a little wimpy. What could be the issue? If it needs nutrients, how do I go about that?
what kind of soil? it looks a little young to need nutrients yet but if your soil is bunk maybe........
im not experienced with roots but most bagged soils are lacking in the nutrients department or they are in bad ratios.
You should get some root stimulant and start feeding her at least 1400 ppm of nutrients at a ph of 6.3-6.8 Then watch her grow. What kind of light is she under? Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
It doesn't need root stimulant, and if he gave the plant 1400ppm of nutrients it would be dead within hours
the pot is pretty big so I wouldn't have thought that it would need more nutrients, but I have no experience with that soil, so it could be barron for all I know. Do you have hard or soft tap water? Do you use an RO filter? Do you know your water's ppm? I'd rather give you no advice than bad advice and for me, at this time, I'm not 100% sure of the problem
I'm so broke that I can't even buy cigarettes so I don't have money for a ppm or ph meter. But no RO filter and soft tap water. It's well and free of fluoride and chlorine.
City water is usually set at ph 7 before it's pumped to ya, well water you just never know. You need a ph test man. you can get a fluid ph test that's really accurate cheap. Really man, if that's the problem and you have no way to test for it you have no way to know or to figure it out.
Virtually all city water is set between 8 and 8.3. This is because pH neutral water causes problems in the pipes with the di and tri chloramine ratios. You will always need ph down. You won't always need pH up ( only if you add too much ph down lol) As for well water... you want to use it before its softened regardless of PPM's ... do not use the salt softened water... use the raw water. You'd much rather calcium and magnesium to sodium for this purpose And yeah of course 1400 ppm would kill those guys. Start at about 400. 210 watt perpetual box
When I fill up my gallons, would it hurt or help to just throw a tiny bit of ph down in there? I had a meter but it got lost.
Are you letting the soil dry out fully between waterings? If you haven't added any nutrients yet, I would start it on a quarter strength solution on every watering and use plenty of it when watering, and allow the soil to dry out properly between. This should flush out or cancel out the problem. My guess is that it's either a nutrient issue, ph issue, or possibly an over watering issue. It's definitely a below the soil-line problem. If I were to pinpoint something my money would be on a lack of calcium, but the advice I gave should fix a number of problems