Little Kids Annoying

Discussion in 'General' started by homestarstoner, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. #1 homestarstoner, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
    i dont even know. i have a hate out for little kids, big time. im not kidding. when i hear or see kids from 2-12 i get so fuckin pissed off. i wonder if its a mental disorder or something. i just find them so god damn annoying. the sound effects, the fuckin banging and shit early in the morning. theyre self centered, they beg for attention like dogs. fuck man i dont even know.i have 2 half sisters i grew up with that are 9 and 5 years younger. man was i a dick growing up with them. paid no attention, and when i did, it was to bitch. i just had an anger i could never understand.. growing up, it was me and my 2 sisters and my dad and step-mom. my stepmom ran a fuckin overcrowded daycare center in our house... man was that bullshit. id have to go to school in the AM, while im still sleeping at like 7am, babies and shit are getting dropped off, screaming their asses off. oh and my room was next to the make things worse, this day care was run throughout my elementary/high school life. so it wasnt often id be allowed friends over. my anger just escalated now 19, have moved out and everything, but i live with my uncle and his son/my cousin. he is 4 and im a dick and i cant control it. he pisses me off to the point where i see red. it like a real genuine anger and i dont understand it...anyone kno whats up or ?Sent from my iPhone.
  2. kids can be annoying sometimes no doubt but they don't make me angry lol. they don't really know any better, you were like that once too.
  3. Smoke weed
  4. #4 Jingo Dookstain, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
    Sounds to me like you have you just have a bit of trauma. I believe it was probably caused, from your story, by your parents' daycare and the inability to have friends come over, which probably ruined a big portion of your own childhood. Thus, you sub-consciously hold resentment for any child. It's nothing too serious, as long as you can keep your anger in check (I know that's hard). 
    A similar type of example can be with something as simple as eating a certain food and getting extremely sick from it. After that point, some people become traumatized and no longer want to have anything to do with said food.
  5. Im not a kid person myself. I had one of my own and wish she would have been a blow job.
    For years I would not even date a woman with kids, I called them "breeders".
    I don't want grand kids and if i do I will never babysit them while the breeders go screw off.
    My days of wiping poopy butts ended 23 years ago.
  6. #6 Alburnstrees, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
    My little brothers 10 yeah hes annoying as hell and loud as hell but we are still brothers we gotta love eachother lol. But yeah little kids can piss me off sometimes but we were all like that at one point.
  7. [quote name="Some Asian Toker" post="19374796" timestamp="1390241819"]Sounds to me like you have you just have a bit of trauma. I believe it was probably caused, from your story, by your parents' daycare and the inability to have friends come over, which probably ruined a big portion of your own childhood. Thus, you sub-consciously hold resentment for any child. It's nothing too serious, as long as you can keep your anger in check (I know that's hard). A similar type of example can be with something as simple as eating a certain food and getting extremely sick from it. After that point, some people become traumatized and no longer want to have anything to do with said food.[/quote]this makes sense. its pretty amazing how much anger a kid making sound effects can bring out from me. i feel like i could kick the kid in the ass so hard it slides like 20 feetSent from my iPhone.
  8. I see where your coming from. Be SUUPER careful with your anger man. Your life would be FUCKED if you ever touched a kid.
  9. [quote name="420Chode420" post="19375139" timestamp="1390245306"]I see where your coming from. Be SUUPER careful with your anger man. Your life would be FUCKED if you ever touched a kid.[/quote]trust me man, im conscious enough of my own actions to not harm a child. never have, never will. its just a held in anger idnoSent from my iPhone.
  10. Kids can be annoying as all hell, you just have to know how to handle them man.

    One time I was at one of my close friend's place and his older sister has two little girls. When it was time for them to leave the younger one (not sure how old she is, she just started school) wouldn't put her shoes on and wouldn't let her mom put them on and she was all pouting and shit.

    So I looked at her and I said "If you don't wear your shoes outside then you'll get boy feet, do you want boy feet?"

    She looked up at her mom with her face all like:


    and then put her shoes on right away.

  11. I really hope your daughter isn't old enough to look through the browsing history on your computer. Lol.
  12. It's like when your friends have a kid and they just have to have you over to see it. "Isn't he so cute" they ask. Well yeah, sure he is but only because he's yours and I don't have to deal with his shit. 

    kids are noisy and messy and don't know the boundaries yet. If they make you so angry OP I really do recommend finding a way to release that anger away from kids. I don't want to see you on the news. Got it? 
  13. Wow man. People's kids can make me mad, but damn you might need to seek professional help before you snap on some poor kid
  14. oh man who you tellin. i live with 4 kids, 2 boys 2 girls. age 2 years, 4 years, 6 years and 7 years. all they fucking do is fight, and scream, and smell, and complain, and bang on shit, and make noise, and cry, and ask repetitive questions,  and tattle tale, and theyre always hungry. i mean jesus. it is pretty annoying. but for themost part theyre good kids and they are fun to be with. the baby is ridiculously funny and cute. 
  15. [quote name="TeresaTHC" post="19375541" timestamp="1390249916"]Wow man. People's kids can make me mad, but damn you might need to seek professional help before you snap on some poor kid[/quote]like i mentioned already, im self conscious enough to not harm a child out of anger. im not an idiot. kids just irritate the fuck out of meSent from my iPhone.
  16. Smoke a few bowls with him.
  17. I fucking live babies but once they start talking I can't stand them.Come talk to me when your 15!
  18. Remember: we all used to be one. Dealing with children isn't something that everyone is capable of, which is completely understandable. They're unpredictable and in-your-face; it's a gentle balance when it comes to dealing with them.
    Me? I love kids and I get along with them well. Probably because I'm also unpredictable and in-your-face. Call me man-child. Hope to have a brood of my own some day, and when I think about it now, I wouldn't be upset if my girl and I had an "oops" moment.
    That's harsh. Do you really feel that way?
  19. #19 DeathMadeTangible, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    I'm not a fan of kids either.
    Toddlers are ok sometimes, but babies just fucking suck. 
    My feet are nice. 

  20. You need to just keep away from children then dude.  Either that or get some therapy.  I started teaching kids how to ski this year and love it.  The way they  are just down to have a good time and not worry about anything else is great.  Getting to be goofy and childish with them makes my day.  And when they actually respect you enough to thank you it's amazing.  
    That said, yeah they can be a little annoying and needy, but they're kids, they are not adults.  Everything is taken care of and they are just too young to know any better.  It's too bad you can't put yourself in their shoes and understand that they're just kids, doing what kids do.

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