Little Children

Discussion in 'Movies' started by hurricaneMIKE, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. Anyone else see this film? Starring Kate Winslet, Jackie Earle Haley, and Patrick Wilson. get to see Kate's big pepperoni nipples mad times again, but this all together was a very fucked up, but very well put together and well acted drama. Haley's performance, IMO, was the best out of the bunch, and makes me believe he's going to turn in an Oscar-worthy performance as Rorschach in the Watchman film.

  2. your right it is a great film. plus kate winslet is hot!
  3. I will watch any movie with Kate Winslet's boobs!
  4. I saw it when it first came out. I kinda forget parts but I remember it was GOOD
  5. I second that notion. :hello:

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