<embed src="http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/9746/mmmbop.wav"> Oh and in the uk now there is this guy called will young. He's a cheesey shitty pop wanker who was chosen for his looks on a televised competition called pop idol to appeal to pubescent girls (hard luck cos AFTER the competition he revealed that he was gay haha)... He's copying Light My Fire by the doors LOOK WILL WE ALREADY HAVE JOSE FELICIANO'S CRAP VERSION WE DON'T NEED YOURS AS WELL... In no more than a few days I will post a contact e-mail address here I emplore all of you to write to mr young and ask/demand/threaten that he does not release this song!!! PLEASE DO THIS- IF I HEAR THIS I WILL KILL THE EXECUTIVES AT IME FOR LETTING HIM LOOSE ON THE WORLD!!!