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Lightning Storm, Lemon Kush, and sweet [Macros]

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Ekibiogami, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Sweet


    Lemon Kush
  2. those all look the same, and like mids.
  3. ^ I second that. I have mids that look identical...will post pics if need be. nice stash though!!
  4. That does NOT look like mids.

  5. same here.. i accutally finshed the last of my homies that looked like this just the other day.
  6. haha you guys are hardcore haters... its definitely not mids, its just not trimmed perfectly. organic outdoor most of them, but the sweet is indoor.
  7. That is definitely not lemon kush.
  8. some beasters
  9. Y'all are a bunch of little bitches. That's some good bud. Quit the hatin' and go smoke your shit in a dark corner somewhere, we don't want to hear it.
  10. I honest to god doubt that a quarter of you know their marijuana so well that they can

    tell the strain and how dank it is by just looking at it. So with that being said, shut your

    mouth and let the man enjoy his cannabis.
  11. Nice dank bud!

    I mean, seriously dudes, what the fuck?? Mids??? haha when was the last time you saw some real mids? Some a you been smoking nothing but dank your whole life, I guess?

  12. yep cause you would know.:rolleyes:

    thats good lookin bud by the looks first one looks the best but looks arent everything. enjoy and spark it up and does the lemon taste a bit like lemon or smell, just curious.
  13. It definitely smells distinctly like lemon and has a lemon hint to the taste. Got me ridiculously baked.

    Oh and yeah the sweet is definitely the best.
  14. too many haters man wtf everyone on this site is a fucking green expert. this shit is obviously not mids. people just trying to make other people think their shit is way too good. get off the haterade
  15. The buds all look the same because of the terrible lighting. Enjoy all your sessions with that stuff broski, it looks like quality herbs.
  16. HAHAHA i love how people think they know what the strain is by looking at it!!! wonderful :rolleyes: the people that can do that are freaks of nature and grow all the time, or have experience with that specific strain.

    anyway, looks pretty good! get some better lighting on those nugglets so we can check out some sweet crystals :cool:

    and yeah the sweet looks sticky. nice.
  17. +1 to not mids. That looks like decent bud.

  18. Then you've never seen dank
  19. yea dude ya'll are some haters it may be what he says it is u never actually can 100% tell unless u were the person who grew it so let's just all get along now children but yeah man nice buds don't pay no attention to these bud snobs on here.
  20. Your a fool. Looks at the trics and hairs on them nugs. And you don't know me to tell me I don't know "dank" idiot.

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