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Lighters! Damn, them!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by RMJL, Jul 16, 2002.

  2. yeah like today i bought a Oz i come home, grab my bong, go for my light and its not there so i just had to run down to the Citgo :D trusty Citgo
  3. Well, I went and bought a shit load of lighters and placed them strategically throughout the house so, I should be good for about a month or two.

    Hey Norm, I hate the taste from lighting a j with a Zippo, too. Zippos will get the job done but it just isn't something I like to do.
  4. yeah, ill use em if i have to, but when i do, i get the impression that its something comperable to the taste of ass...just my opinion.....chocolate papers kick ass!!!
  5. AAAAARRRGHHH dont get me started with zippos, its like sniffing lighter fluid straight from the bottle..and since im always forgetting to bring a lighter when I go out with friends, we always have to use my friends zippo. I think he just brings it laong now because he knows if he uses his zippo, nobody will want to take the first hit and give it to him.
  6. did you kill the hellspawn or are they gone...and zippo's are the butt..the ass flavoring, of weed
  7. Norm, what exactly do you mean by "Inore This Sentence?"

    What is involved in inoring?

    In case you are high and have no idea what I am talking about---it's under your avatar!!!!
  8. lol rmjl....I was looking all over this thread going "where the hell does he say that?"....but're little avatar label is TERRIBLY MESSED UP!
  9. godspeed.....such a nice discussion going on here..and you had to taint it with your chain mail bullshit....
  10. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,

    Spamitty Spam!

    Wonderful Spam,,,,,,,
  11. here that?....I here keys jingling....uh oh..the moderators coming to lock this thread up!

  12. Nubbin have you lost you fucking mind? What are you talking about? Chainmail? Bull Shit?

  13. How many cans do you want smokie? I'll put them in the mail tommorrow!!!!
  14. 0_o

    i meant to do that.....


    i promise
  15. Ok, things were flowing well until this pain...this brain pain that came along after NuBB's post about chains and mail and shit from a bull.

    I'm gonna take a guess on this one and assume he replied to the wrong thread. Wait, I have another guess. Maybe NuBBiN has the ability to see a certain post that we mere mortals can't see. Or, here's another idea. Maybe there is a secret moderator, like a spy, that's deleting posts to influence us into believing that our Ice Cream Man has indeed lost his mind!!!! Not a spy, Satan in a Santa suit!

    That's it!!!
  17. i swear that you guys fucking crack me up so bad!!!!
  18. WAIT RMJL! ive got an even more wicked idea!...MAYBE!...JUUUUST MAYBE.....there was a dumbass with the name godspeed who decided to post a gigantic rant about how you could make 600 dollars by only sending his sorry ass 6 bucks!....and then along came a good little moderator who took a sharp pair of toe nail clippers and castrated his post from this thread!......atleast thats the way I like to think it happened...and now, as a result of this moderators doing, and forgetfulness to delete the other posts which pertained to the subject which no longer exists...nubbin now looks like he was completely out of his mind and simply ranting at nobody!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!
  19. Hahhahahahahahhaha i admit it. I was going around deleting the threads as godspeed posted them. I hope i got them all. I also sent him a nice little PM letting him know we are not a fre advrtising agent. In order to post this type of material on this board he would need to send each OFFF member a hundred dollar bill. I also told him to let me know and i would send him a pM with all the names on it.

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